Vasuki Laurent



1 year, 11 months ago



Vasuki Laurent

I wear many masks.
I'm a dark figure.
The sun is too bright for me.
It crushes my soul.
I'd rather dwell in shadows.

A dangerous and reserved creature, this beast has scarcely ever been seen. Known to dwell in the shadows and emerge only at night, Vasuki Laurent is claimed to be a demon. Rumours claim that this dragon has the ability to shapeshift, others believe that he practices dark arts. However, nothing is confirmed exactly, for this creature is cautious of man. The mere utterance of his name lead others to believe that he will appear and curse them. Thus, Vasuki Laurent is never spoken about.


A feared dragon, no mortal has ever sought him out. It is told that he distributes curses and plagues lands. Sickness is blamed upon him, as is death and destruction. It is believed that Vasuki Laurent shapeshifts into a man and wanders the streets throughout the night, hoping to find a victim to sacrifice.

Not a single shrine nor temple has been built for him, as mortals fear his appearance. His name alone is a bad omen, and something never uttered about. Those that have seen him wandering have described a skull where his face should be, leading many to associate the beast with death.


An ominous and dark individual, it is fortold that Vasuki is a powerful demon that walks the land, instilling curses and killing those that get in his way. It is claimed that he has taken up dark arts, offering blood sacrifices so that he may remain powerful. All those that espy him should hide and pray that he does not hunt them down, or so the story goes.

In truth, Vasuki is merely a dragon that prefers his own company, and so he remains hidden from the world. He ventures out at night, remaining in his land until the sun emerges, to which he slips back into his cave. Lack of spotting him have led mortals to spin tales of his intentions. Truthfully, all Vasuki wishes is to be left alone, and so he does just that.

Alias Vasuki Laurent
Age Unknown
Gender Male
Height Unknown
Abilities Unknown
Place of Origin Unknown