Agent M



1 year, 11 months ago


Created back in 2001. Revamping soon

Patrick Miles J.  Sullivan

Agent M, also known as Patrick (is Miles) is one of the best Agents working with police and the city. 


While he has no memory of his past 15 years ago, he does have amazing fighting skills, can make and use weapons and close combat expert.
Has an ancient sword he has with him since found and has three guns he created. One of them is "rapid" while the duo guns are called "salt and pepper"
Since the case of fire in labs, this guy has been trying to solve it as well as the mysterious experiments and evolving around a mystery geneticist. Taking upon with all to solve.
He has solved many cases and gotten "baddies" behind bars working with police and citycouncil. He also has ties and connections to underground ever since he gained high respect (also to survive) making him a "feared and respected" man all know not to mess with. 

Age: 44 (at story start of 2025)


While he had no memory of the time before he was found, after the comet he had been taken in by an elder pair he protected from all around. They "adopting" the young man. As he gained his new goal of helping others, finding out his skills in smithing (items, weapons etc) and strong in combat martial arts, the young man named Patrick now had a goal. As the city was built (Sunburst-City) finding a job as a detective (as he did want clues as to who he was) didnt find any so far since many documets and co were destroyed in storms.
Helping others with his skills while seeking his own infos.

Making a name slowly in the city and supporting the police alongside his Agent friend later on (who joins in way after he and Abigail had met)

Patrick found Gloria he helped out of a heavy relationship. Her ex leaving her and the 3 kids behind (one elder son and twins)
Later married Gloria and has a kid with her (Aaron) who is 5 years youger than Abigail.

With, at the time, young detective making enemies and family in danger, saving them but later on Gloria left him as she had enough. Taking the plane with her kids to fly in another land. It crashlanded on an island and surviving there as a silver and black haired witch got them back home. Pat met her while travelling with Abigail.
The witch´s name is Mariva

While Gloria was thankful, she didnt want to do anything with Pat and took her kids with her. Only Aaron wanted to stay with his dad. While twins moved to mountain area and elder had his own Apartment. The kids are still in touch with Patrick. 

The witch and him are a couple later on. 

His connection with Abigail get s deeper as the truth comes out.


Former "partner" (more of a situation) Vivian
TwinBrother Gosaki (1983) He was born in 1983 as well since Gosaki is his Twinbrother
Marco (1985)
Dustin (1988)
Yusai (1990)
Step twins (adopted by parents) Max and Sari

Children: Jonathan and Abigail (2012) (He was 29 as they were born)
+15 years -of current story making him now 44 years old (at story start)

After memoryloss

Debora (ex-wife)
and kid Agatha
Deboras kids (from 1st marriage)
Twins and Dorian

2nd wife
Her kids from 1st marriage
one elder son, twins
Kid with Gloria: Aaron (5 years younger than Abigail)


Partner and beloved witch Mariva

Appearancewise is Miles a very clean and accurate guy. He makes sure he is healthy and clean before leaving his apartment
Has a very "noble" way when one approaches him. Stands upright/Straight and can be formal on his words. While he has a vast on vocabulary, some say he is a workaholic and doesn´t rest until a case is solved.
Upon finding out the truth of who Abigail is and the whole Vivian thing, it took him a bit to get his thoughts together.
The two first met as she was at the police with the whole Beast situation. Having to work together and finding out the mysteries sure got the whole situation more up.
Alone the fact that demons and all are real.

Daily routine

it varies if day off or not (as he his is own boss of the small lil detectiveplace below his apartment) As he does work with police, at times follows them when they need his help.


Tends to like suits, vests and a nostalgia feel on viktorian or even Steampunk combination. He doesn´t shy away from modernizing and will wear what he finds good and practical.
On very lazy days can wear a pullover and sloppy pants when he knows he can relax. Cozy all (dadmode)



-Has a motorbike he tends to and can drive very well.
-Skilled in close combat, weapons like swords and guns are his prefered method. When close combat, very fast and skilled to fight.

he doesnt believe in magic at start, which quickly changes. After meeting Mariva, and travelling with Abigail through Fabula, seeing the whole things new. 
