
6 years, 5 months ago


Name: Scythe

Gender: Male

Age: ???

Sexuality: Asexual

Personality: Quiet, reclusive, eerie, and forgetful.

Quiet - Scythe hardly ever says a word, making it often hard to determine what his current emotions are.

Reclusive - Scythe hardly ever spends any time with his friends, mostly lying in bed rethinking his entire existence instead. Fun.

Eerie - "He has this certain... vibe to him. I dunno, he's just kinda off in a way that I can't quite put my finger on." - Meringue 

Forgetful - When it comes to making and keeping plans, Scythe can hardly succeed without forgetting a few important details.


- Scrabble

- Darkness

- Horror movies

- Scaring his friends


- Hurting his friends

- His claws getting in the way

- Color (besides grayscale)

- Taking off his sweater

Accessories: His puffy sweater, large fluffy scarf, and the occasional scythe tied around his back.

Phobias (fears): Agateophobia (fear of going insane), Anthropophobia (fear of people or society), Cryophobia (fear of the cold - hence the sweater and scarf), Ecclesiophobia (fear of church), Insectophobia (bugs or insects), and mirrors.