
1 year, 11 months ago


God dammit.


Maxwell "Max" Deiss
26 y.o.
165 cm
31 October

"An infamous resident of Mondstadt who's goal is to make lifes of his enemies unbearable. He also seems to have a particular interest in arson." 

Max is a person who's life is far, far from perfect. A lot of people would actually say that it's pretty bad.
Weird apartment in a shady neighborhood, usually inbetween jobs, little to no friends and a shady reputation because of his regural temper tantrums that lead to destruction.
But Max doesn't mind that. Probably he just became blind after everything he went through.
Despite him being a really angry person he does still have some morals, though it's unclear where exactly he draws the line.
Max is not great at showing positive emotions and sympathy whatsoever and even when he does it's not uncommon for him to trow in an insult or two.
Somehow Max can be both really sensitive and incredibly apathetic. His reaction depends on a situation he's facing.
Despite him usually being a victim of his own emotions that cause him to do really stupid stuff, he's not that dumb himself.
Max is pretty logical, can come up with a solution to a problem relatively quickly and is pretty educated.
The way he speaks can be considered odd at times. It's not rare for him to go from using slang to more advanced language in an instance and switch around between these ways of speech constantly.
Max hates questions about his childhood, his mental stability or anything that is considered personal/intimate.
Max's past really messed up with how he looks at world and how he acts. He was either never bothered to seek any help or just decides to ignore it.
Max despises being touched by others. He mostly hates being touched by strangers but tolerates when friends touch him. However, he is a pretty haptic himself and likes to make the first move.
Max is really passionate about table party games and can talk about them for hours. A big Genius Invocation TCG geek and is one of the best Mondstadt players.
Also enjoys crosswords, sudoku and other similar games.
Despite wearing clothes with favonius symbolic, Max was never a knight himself and doesn't intend on being one.


  • Claymore pyro vision user. Max's constellation is "Gulo gulo" (wolverine).
  • Owns fatui Skirmisher's rifle gun and knows how to use a regular sword.
  • Max is a pyromaniac and is pretty crazy about arson.
  • Max is allergic to citrus fruits.
  • Max also uses a lot of pet names both mockingly and genuinely.
  • Knows how to play a lot of musical instruments but absolutely hates music. Actually, he hates art in general.
  • Max is neurodivergent (combined ADHD) and probably doesn't know about it.

  • Hat is NOT optional I repeat hat is NOT optional.
  • His body type is more on a buff/muscular side. Try not to draw him too slender.
  • There are light scars on his face. Try not to forget about them.
  • Spots on his shirt are a pattern. Pattern is random.
  • His body type is more on a buff/muscular side. Try not to draw him too slender.
  • If you want you can close his shirt, but don't fix his tie.