Nilafein Myth



1 year, 11 months ago


Nilafein Myth 

Character’s full name: Nilafein Myth'tyrr Duskryn

Reason or meaning of name

Names sound reminiscent to those of the Drow in D&D 

Character’s nickname: K'karee

Reason for nickname

It's a mottled blue/gray venomous snake found in the deserts of Vulcan. A reference not only to Nilafein's coloration but temperament 

Physical appearance: tall, lithe, angular 

Age: 26

How old does he/she appear: young adult

Weight: 110kg

Height: 6'4"

Body build: tall and sinuously muscled, lean

Shape of face: angular, high cheekbones  

Eye color: rose gold

Glasses or contacts: contacts to limit light reaching the eyes

Skin tone: dark gray, blue undertones

Distinguishing marks: mouth scar

Predominant features: pointed ears, elongated canines, slit pupils

Hair color: icy white

Type of hair: long and straight, very strong like a horses mane

Hairstyle: loose

Voice: dark, smooth, soft, and hypnotic gives the impression of something dangerous luring you in

Overall attractiveness: sleek, predatory attractiveness  

Physical advantages: bones have natural occurring carbon fiber, enhanced strength, finely tuned senses 

Physical disabilities: sensitive to bright light, loud noises, strong smells 

Usual fashion of dress: robes and tunics, leather armor

Favorite outfit: dark leather light armor with highlights of sea-foam blue from tunic 

Jewelry or accessories: fur lined cloak 

Gender: male

Sex: second tier male (male capable of carrying and birthing offspring)

Fighting style: Jar'Kai, Makashi (form II), Ataru (form IV), Shien (form V)

Affiliation: Dark Jedi 

Lightsaber: Níðhöggr

Code: None. 

Dark Jedi, also known as "Fallen" Jedi, were Force-sensitives, who chose to deny the Light Side or Jedi Code to instead follow the Dark Side. Although "Dark Jedi" originally referred to a Jedi who had fallen to the dark side, it could also refer to uninitiated Force-sensitives who received no Jedi Training but began their careers under another Dark Jedi. Others were simply dark-side users who did not follow the teachings of the Sith or other dark side organizations.

Description: blue blooded, dark gray bluish skin, Syllvian with unusual color eyes.

Described as snake-like: ruthless, calculative, cold or falsely alluring, venomous silver tongue. A beautiful deadly creature that fools prey into coming willingly 

Lightsaber description

Saber: Níðhöggr

Color: Pink/Magenta  

Crystal: Vexxtal Crystal- Little is known about Vexxtal Crystals or their origins. They are generally only found in the lightsabers of Dark Side of the Force users. A corrupting  plague-like aura is left on those wounded by lightsabers with this crystal

Hilt: Custom Curved.

The use of curved hilts allowed for more precise movements as well as near-perfect flexibility when engaged in lightsaber-to-lightsaber combat. It was also more complex and gave the creator of such a hilt more of a challenge in aligning its crystals, as well as requiring a minor variation in holding the grip. Curved hilts needed to be held more in the palm, farther away from the fingertips. The hilt's curvature also gave the wielder more power when delivering overhand strikes and would change the angle of the attacks by the merest fraction of a degree; this was usually just enough to confuse and disorient an unsuspecting opponent.

Some techniques were more difficult when using a curved hilt, but many others became far more effective. Anakin Skywalker was another duelist who used a curved hilt with Form V to great effect.

Unfortunately, curved-hilt lightsabers were generally more difficult to use in blaster-bolt deflection.

Ship & Crew

Name: Vermundr Monn

Race: Shistavanen 

Role: Co-pilot

Sex: Male

Features: white fur, blind in one eye

Name: Lii-Ra-Ra

Race: Tiss'shar Ask-ar

Role: Assassin/spy

Sex: Female

Features: black scales, red feathered crest

Ship: Fury-Class Intercepter

Name: Malice Striker

Class: Intercepter Corvette

Role: Intercepter and Personal Transport 

Length: 100m

Width: 88m

Height/Depth: 33m

Hyperdrive: Advanced System 

Armaments: Precision Laser Cannons, Concussion Missile Launchers  

Crew: 2-3

Passengers: 2+ (5 beds total on ship)