Pill 💊



2 years, 8 days ago

Basic Info




           Pill is a reserved guy with not much to say. He likes to let his actions speak instead of his mouth. He's very trusting but will not forgive easily if someone he trusts backstabs him. Once he forms a deep bond with someone he'll do just about anything for them, which is why he is banned from many public spaces... and possibly wanted for some bad things...  

           He grew up in an ok family for the most part.. until he turned 16, in which his parents died after doing unmentionable things to Pill, (Will be elaborated on later on). After his parents deaths he became erratic and unable to understand. He is calmer and more sincere to the one dearest to him, but only they will understand his pain. He can become mildly possessive over his partner but can usually keep it in check. He is very encouraging towards his partner(s) in life even when he wants to keep them with him forever (In a loving way, he sadly understands that he cannot own a person, even if he wishes he could...)  Â