
Short for Marceline, goes by Marci or with people who know her well, Celine. 

Sexuality: Bi

Gender: Female

Personality: intelligent, easy going, caring, active, calm, thoughtful, agreeable, competent, modest, open to feelings, relaxed. 

profession: naturalist 

General Likes: outdoors, fall, Mountains,Alpine Forests and wooded areas, the woods, mountains, beach, sports (kayaking, biking, hiking, fencing), athletics, natural science, knitting, sewing, crafting, painting. Being pretty, makeup, secretly likes crowns princess stuff and dressing up fancily

Specific items: Pumpkin Spice, her kayak, hiking boots, day bag (snacks, water, sketchbook, wallet, map), watercolor travel kit, nature identification book, a well hidden tiara.

Favorite places: Outer banks, Moab, Mt. Rainier, pacific north west, Amherst mass, Mt. St.  Helen’s, alpine forests, Yosemite, skyline drive.

People assume by her looks that she’s a basic “Barbie” so she hides a lot of her hyper feminine interests around everyone but her close friends. She’s trueLu quote down to earth but enjoys some fun and fem stuff

Partner: Brooks (gecko)