
6 years, 5 months ago


Name: Squid

Gender: Transgender Male

Age: 14

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Childish, cheeky, outdoorsy, and curious.

Childish - Squid refuses to grow up, and, even though he can be mature in times of need, mostly continues to play Candy Land and Mario Cart in his own little mixed-up fantasy world XD

Cheeky - *snicker* Hah, you said DOOOOTY

Outdoorsy - Squid adores nature, and will spend most of his free time out in the his garden planting flowers and pulling weeds.

Curious - If there's ever a butterfly near him, he will chase it into the dark, ominous forest.


- Flowers 

- Heavy metal 

- Gaming

- Stuffed animals


- Rain

- School

- Those who damage his plushies 

- Thunder and lightning 

Accessories: A cute paint of overalls with a small pouch in the front (in which he keeps his flower buds to plant later).

Phobias (fears): Astraphobia (fear of thunder and/or lighting), Monophobia (fear of being alone), Trypanophobia (fear of needles), Pyrophobia (fear of fire), and the fear of his garden being destroyed.