
1 year, 11 months ago



Physical Strength: 7

Special Strength:  10

Defense: 6

Special Defense: 9

Intelligence: 8

Cooperation: 5

Agility: 10

Morality: 3

Threat Level: 6

Cain is a main healer in the villain side due to him studying and growing plants. He also went to medical school for years. He did pass the classes but never decided to be a doctor. Cain actually cares for the other villains but is quite bad at doing that as you can see so healing them is the best he can do.

His powers and abilities

  • Disguise as a flower to stalk people, spy heroes, and lure his victims with a lovely color and scent
  • Can summon any plant in any size
  • Summons giant thick green spiky vines that can attack others, make shields/ obstacles, and move really fast around places
  • Can hypnotize victims with eyes and sharp teeth

Cain never really goes to villain meetings and will only go to them if either curious or if the villains need him for a plan and or to heal them.

Surprisingly REALLY fruity for men thinks that some of the villains are hot as fuck(especially the male villain/srs)😳😳