Bunny Duckworth Beagle



2 years, 4 hours ago


NOTE: Contains mentions of past abuse.

Bunny Beagle Duckworth

Why should we have to follow all these Woodchuck rules? We should just be having fun!

— Bunny, to Huey

A young Beagle Boy adopted by Duckworth. Bunny is a Woodchuck and all-around outdoorsy kid. Bunny never wants to go back to the junkyard, and live her life in peace


Bunny is a young Beagle/Rottweiler mutt. She has short brown hair that she wears half-up, with a tall teal bow to look like bunny ears. She likes to wear a yellow or green shirt, with denim overalls over top. The overalls have a bunny embroidered on the front pocket, and many various patches. She wears no shoes.


Bunny is optimistic and adventurous. Since being adopted by her Pa she has: transed her gender, became so much more happy, has started learning to be nicer, and learned to read!

Before being adopted, she was raised with being mean being rewarded, so she's been trying to unlearn that. She loves her friends with all her heart and they help her grow. She still stumbles quite a bit, her first instinct still being to be rude. She's expressed this struggle to her friends and they will work with her, and she appreciates it so much. She's a bit apprehensive to reach out to the kids she used to bully and apologize, afraid of facing her old mistakes. Eventually she'll get to the point to reach out again and begin to make mends.

She's the type of person to just have their pockets full of leaves and bugs and rocks and sticks and such. She wants to become some sort of entomologist or geologist! She loves the outdoors and spends near all her time outside. She hates having to be inside for extended periods of time.

Life in the Junkyard

Talk of Abuse and Bullying in this section! Be aware!
Bunny's name and pronouns are Bracketed in this section to show she hasn't figured that part of herself out yet.

Born 22 September in the Junkyard, [Bunny] was one of the Younger Beagles in the Beagle Gang. [Bunny] did not have a good upbringing, nor a good home to live in. As many of the other Beagles, [she] grew up surrounded by the trash and scraps that makes up the Junkyard. [She] did not have much support from [her] Ma at all, mostly being raised by [her] siblings. None of [her] experiences with [her] Ma were positive. Never did [she] speak with [her] Ma and leave feeling good, and on occassion, coming out without some injury-much to the uproar of the siblings, always fighting to make sure one of their own wasn't hurt. Following the example of [her] Ma, who [she] assumed [she] should look up to, [she] became mean. Mean to all of [her] peers. A bully.

This especially became a problem when [she] became a Woodchuck. Being bigger than the little birds, [she] would push them around and some would take [her] side just to avoid [her] bullying. One kid in particular ended up being [her] target quite often; Huey Duck. Maybe it was hearing about his supportive family, maybe it was because he acted just different enough [she] could get away with it.

Even though [she] acted like this, fighting with Huey at every turn with the rules of the Woodchucks, going ot Woodchuck events were days [she] looked forward to. It was simple: it got [her] out of the junkyard. [She] had to do it in secret, [her] siblings sneaking her there whenever they could. If [her] Ma knew about it, [she] would destroy [her] things and keep a closer eye on [her].

In short, Bunny was miserable as a child. Only knowing the behavior of [her] family and Ma, [she] was mean to those around [her]. Not to mention her constant feeling of feeling Wrong, feeling her skin crawl every time someone called her 'he' or by her name. Feeling sick thinking about the fact that she was a boy.

Moving to the Manor

As Bunny became older, her life had a turn. Her older brother, Black Arts, summoned a Demon. This demon turned out to be quite the polite old man, and ended up adopting him. At first, Bunny was unbelievably bitter about this. How could Black Arts just leave the family? And even worse, siblings started trickling away for the better life, for the supportive parent none of them ever had.

One day, one of Bunny's sisters who had left, Boom-Boom, reached out to Bunny. Asking her to come with her, just to visit, just to see what it was like. Bunny agreed, packing up her few possessions to bring with her, too afraid to leave them in case they were found, and snuck out into the night under the fence. Boomy brought her to a diner, having a rare good meal, and snacks afterwards! Brought to the store for snacks, and then brought to McDuck manor for what Bunny kept telling herself was going to be a short visit, a sleepover until she had to return back to the Junkyard. Every day she spent in the Manor, the clean manor, the safe manor where no-one yelled at her, she dreaded going back to the place she called home.

Also during this time, she got to spend a lot more time with Boomy, being able to have makeovers, having her hair done, being allowed to dress how she wanted instead of the matching shirts and jeans everyone wore at the junkyard. Being able to actually have her own clothes made her have a realization: She wasn't a boy. It made sense! Hating her name? Of course! The feeling of dread being called he? It made sense! She opened up to her siblings who lived at the manor. On what was supposed to be her last day at the manor, she chose her name: Bunny.

On her way out the door of the Manor, she was so scared. Scared to go back, to see Ma again. She turned around just before leaving, running back and burying her face in a sibling's chest. It was decided. She would never go back. She would keep in contact with her siblings back in the junkyard, hopefully trying to convince them to come join the others in the Manor.

Life in the Manor

Moving to the Manor changed Bunny's life drastically. Having a positive environment was lifechanging. Having a parent who cared for her? She loved it. It was a difficult start for her. Getting in trouble wasn't quite a thing-nothing like the Junkyard, anyway-but she would get scolded for being so mean. It was second nature to her, snapping at people for small things, making fun of 'different' behavior. Over time, she's learned to be nicer. Sometimes she has problems with it, but she's come leaps and bounds to what she used to be. She's much, much, much happier now.

In fact, she's even made friends! Real friends, who didn't just like her to keep her from picking on them. People who share her interests! Who like spending time with her! Who she likes spending time with! Meeting May, June, and Nico was great for her! She spends as much time as she can with her friends. She wants to make a treehouse with them so they can hang out in their own space.

Bunny has become an adventurous Pup. She spends a lot of time out in the woods, looking at rocks and plants and bugs and animals. Shes much nicer at Woodchuck events, learning to follow the rules and to actually enjoy the time being out there, instead of just enjoying being away from home. Speaking of her home, she has her own room! A whole room, just to herself. A space that she can be alone and make hers. She's learning to read, and has kids reading books stacked up.

Bunny couldn't ask for a better Pa, a better new home, a better family. She's been officially adopted by Duckworth, and keeps the certificate hung up in her room. Some Beagles still trickle into the Manor, seeking new home from the Junkyard. Bunny's always happy to see her siblings again, trying to show them the best things in the Manor to convince them to stay.

Alternate Appearances
Junior Woodchuck Uniform

Bunny is a Junior Woodchuck, and all Woodchucks need a uniform!


In the Negaverse, the Beagles are rich. Same kind of level of rich as Scrooge and Glomgold. Ma uses her horde of kids to go adventuring (not taking them all at once, of course) and take everything before Scrooge or anyone else can get there.
Buggy used to be a sweet kid! Over time she became meaner and meaner. She wants to stay inside all day and hates getting messy. If you get in her way she'll usually snap at you. The only thing outside she likes is bugs. She catches them and makes enclosures for them. Doesn't let other people see them though. They're just for her; everything else her family sees get stolen anyway.
When she realized she's trans, she chose her name to reflect the one thing she really enjoys: Bugs.

Theme Song
Juniper Vale - Imagination

Playlist - [Full Here]
The Crane Wives - Take Me to War

Beetlebug - My Dear Friends

Berlinist - Gris, Pt. 1

Daisy the Great - The Record Player Song

  • Many of the Beagle siblings left the Junkyard and got adopted by Duckworth
  • The first person she came out to was Bouffant
  • REALLY looks up to her older sisters (Boom-Boom, Bouffant, Babydoll, Olympica) and Bouncer.
  • Her favorite bugs are Katydids and Rolly Pollies
  • Favorite sea creatures are shrimp and giant isopod
  • Fave snacks are fruity pastries
  • AShe collects rocks, one of her friends helps her figure out what types they are
  • Will probably grow up to be some entomologist or geologist
  • Has a scar across her nose from falling and breaking it
  • NEVER wears shoes. they feel bad to her.
  • Afraid of being alone. Really doesn't want to be ignored.
  • LOUD. Just talks loud, she doesn't mean to usually, it just happens
  • Kinda interested in sports! Would like to do baseball
  • Believes that rules are mostly just suggestions.
  • ood at finding things, mostly objects but could probably be decent at tracking people.
  • Used to be a Really mean kid. She's doing better now that she's in a more positive environment.
  • The bow in her hair is tall to look like bunny ears!

Bunny Duckworth


Full Name
Bunny Cicada Duckworth


13 (22 September)

Trans Bunnygender Girl

She/her + bun/buns


Beagle / Rottweiler

4'9" / 144 cm

McDuck Manor

Duckburg Junkyardy


The Junkyard
Strict rules

Chaotic Good

Catherine "Ma" Beagle (Mother)
Raphael Rotts (Bio Father)
Arthur Duckworth (Adopted Father)

The Beagle Boys
Literally if I write them all this page will never end

Iris Duckworth
Straight-Annie Beagle
Auntie Beagle
Coba Beagle
Greet Beagle
Tillie Beagle
Corrie Beagle
Diabolical Beagle
Practical Beagle
Sensible Beagle
Arson Annie Beagle
Sophie Shoplifter Beagle

Uncle Zero Beagle
Generous Beagle
Lazy Uncle Elmo Beagle
Benny Beagle
Rip Van Beagle
Oscar Beagle
Honest Fleagle Beagle

Baritone Beagle
Cousin Zero Beagle
Buzz Beagle
Tic-Tac-Toe Beagle
Misty Beagle
Bayou Beagle
Jatje Beagle
Belinda Beagle

Nanny Beagle
Nonna Beagle
Granny Beagle
Grandma Beagle
Blackheart Beagle
Grandpappy Beagle

May Duck
June Duck
Nico Gavião
Gosalyn Mallard

Scrooge McDuck
Daisy Duck

Ma Beagle

Favorite Color
Teal - #00b38f

Favorite Plants

Vee Noceda (TOH)
Older Voice
Valencia Torres (The Night Post)