


1 year, 11 months ago


Lumi is meant to be the embodiment of the Bathophobia (phobia of / fear of caves and dark places) and the dangers of spelunking / caves / the deep places in the world! She is a mythical force behind the worst caving, diving, and mining tragedies. 
Lumi is a creature of the dark, a terrifying visage who lives deep in twisted, pressing caverns of cold, dripping stone. Her eyes are keen in the blackness and her ears sharper than most, picking up on every drip of water, falling debris, and fluttering heartbeat for miles. The spines on her back, thin and razor-sharp, pick up vibrations in the air and cavern walls. Her sense of smell is nearly as sensitive as her hearing, so she can sense minute shifts in the concentration of gasses and chemicals, as well as changes in temperature, air pressure, and direction. Because Lumi is so sensitive to the world around her, she much prefers to make herself home underground rather than suffer the bombardment of the "surface world." The only reason she will leave the cavern is in search of food, and a good meal such as a bear or moose will leave her placated for months. It is on the surface where she is most vulnerable, and her senses can quickly be overwhelmed by loud noises and bright lights. As a result she avoids modern civilization like the plague, and has begun to loathe the creatures called "humans" for encroaching on her territory. 

A Terror to Behold

Lumi is thin, agile, and quick, able to slink through any crack she can fit her head through. While she isn't an evil creature, Lumi has no patience for anything or anyone "trespassing" on her "territory."  There is always a risk in exploring the deepest of caves, and Lumi is one of them. It is no coincidence that many who enter the deep and darkest places of the world disappear without a trace; Some, unfortunately, become food for a hungry and agitated dragon. Lumi has been known to intentionally hunt humans who press too far into the dark, especially those who hold to respect for the power of the earth and stone. If hungry, Lumi will happily eat a human; If not, suffocation or a controlled cave-in will do the trick. By some quirk of evolution, Lumi's metabolism is extremely slow and her need for air is significantly reduced. As a result, she has no issue exploring even the deepest of blue holes and waterlogged caves, and will often retreat to the bottom of such caverns to rest. If there are bubbles rising from the deep, be warned; She may be slumbering below. Similarly, Lumi has no qualms against many gasses humans find toxic; While she cannot survive by breathing the gasses, she can hold her breath long enough the most naturally occurring carbon monoxide, methane, or noxious gas traps hold little danger for her. Lumi has been known to weaponize this trait by breathing out noxious fumes in a "breath weapon" of sorts, flooding the cave with toxic gasses that quickly suffocate her prey. 

Beware her Wrath

There are few things that upset Lumi as much as deep-shaft mining operations. The rhythmic ponding, constant thrumming of machines, glaring lights, and echoing voices drive her absolutely insane. While she will often avoid such places and retreat further into the caves, Lumi has been known to lash out if she feels the mine has grown too large, delved too deep, or cut her off from easy routes of escape. This has most often occurred during periods of hibernation in which Lumi has been awoken by the sounds of a mine that grew above her as she slept. This has resulted in many of the worst mining accidents to date, in which Lumi has intentionally sabotaged a mine through flooding, cave-ins, methane fueled explosions, mechanical failures, or the sudden increase of noxious gasses.