Nethaedriel Athindis



1 year, 11 months ago




Former Loyalist • Suramar Noble • Pain in your ass

Name Nethaedriel Athindis
Nickname(s) Neth
Pronouns He/Him
Age ~1000+
Height 7'4 (223cm)
Race Shal'dorei | Nightborne
Role Arcanist | Illusionist
Demeanor Antic & Lofty
HTML Pinky

While it may not seem like it, looks are not everything. Nethaedriel values knowledge above all else and can be cunning and deceitful to obtain the information he seeks. Although respectful to strangers, he may trifle with those he finds unchallenging.

Having his hands dipped in politics, he often engages himself in the life of others as he finds it the best way to be in the know. While his aristocratic lifestyle is plain, it is masked by a respectful and ever-so-courteous persona, although there are rumours his loyalty to Suramar's nobility wavers.

To those Nethaedriel is acquainted with, new and old, the majority may find him quite the handful mentally and emotionally. He is ever one to shoot witty pleasantries and snide comments at any given moment, whether or not it is appropriate. If you allow him, he will continue to chat until your ears fall off, and if you are one to indulge him, especially accompanied by mana sweets and wine, he is quick to impress.



  • Arcane sweets and delights.
  • Gossip and engaging stories.
  • Entertaining events such as balls/masquerades, fairs, and orchestras.
  • Treating and pampering himself as he so desires.


  • Mundane Tasks
  • Stagnation
  • Being handled/touched
  • "Dull" and aloof like people

Nethaedriel is the youngest born into House Athindis, raised in the shadow of his elder sister, Aesaria. He was born into the sheltered city of Suramar, never experiencing the tales and battles of the Ancients firsthand except for reading through stories and tomes of history. However, the past had no interest to him as he placed more attention on present matters, the study of Arcane. He did so only to be seen as an equal to his sister’s prowess in magic despite never quite amounting to her talent in the end. Nethaedriel showed more promise in contributing to noble affairs and politics while keeping his arcane studies on the side.

When Suramar’s allegiance wavered to the Legion, so did Nethaedriel’s. Favouring the Grand Magistrix's decision and seeing the Legion as a powerful ally to the Shal'dorei, he committed numerous questionable decrees in his household and the city, doing his part as every loyalist did to appease Elisande and their Legion allies. Eventually, it came to an end as the Dusk Lily succeeded in their insurrection. Now, as all Nightborne, he lives without the Nightwell masking his loyalist views of the liberated Suramar.






-After spending months on end searching within Revendreth, Nethaedriel has since successfully returned the missing fragment of Aesaria’s husband’s soul. Although it hasn’t wholly mended the initial damage he caused by indirectly causing Votheas’ demise, he is glad he no longer needs to linger around the Shadowlands. Since then, a few attempts to restore the straining hundredth-century-old sibling bond comes with little strides. Nethaedriel and Aesaria are beginning to acknowledge the distance and rivalry keeping them apart. Although their combined stubbornness and reputation hinder them from mending their relationship, being aware of the problem is just one step closer.

-His parents are beginning to keep a watchful eye on both him and his sister. Since Suramar’s insurrection, the former Lord and Lady Athindis became MIA and are now returning silently. Word has reached their ear that their children house the son of a family indebted to House Athindis, long thought to be dead. Amongst a few other things, his parents are not too keen on how things are being handled in their absence.

-He has been looking for ways to cut ties with his family since the pact they made with divided groups of former demonic members of the Legion. Each time he tries to run and hide remains futile and is starting to run out of options before he is dealt with permanently.

-Nethaedriel has become more dependent on fel each time he relies on it despite searching for a way to rid himself of his family’s “blessing.” It’s becoming near impossible to hide his addiction from public eyes as each time he relies on the corruptive magic, it further taints his arm and now has begun to bleed to the rest of his body.

  • Nethaedriel occasionally summons a familliar fox named Luvier, however he opted to call them Lu Lu for short.
  • Neth adorns silver cladded jewelry decorating his face, neck and down to his arms and hands. He claims the silver piece that rests on the bridge of his noes is solely for appearance but most likey to avoid getting his nose decked in.
  • His eating habits are akin to a vegetarian, although a lot of his diet consists of conjured food, particularly of a sweeter nature. He is seen to detest food made naturally.
  • Despite his affinity with arcane magic, Nethaedriel often struggles to put his energy into casting bursts of magic, thus relying solely on enhanced weapons. He prefers to reserve his energy for more entertaining leisures such as crafting familiars, illusions and sweet delights.
  • His fascination with plants and gardening stems from his deceased fiancée. Before death, his fiancée was a Terrace Grove-Tender within the Nighthold, and since her passing, he formed this hobby as a way to carry on her memory.
  • The sigil branding him to his family's syndicate has since cracked, and the fel magic within now seeps deep within his arm, engulfing it entirely. He has fashioned a protective arcanic gauntlet that keeps it from spreading to the rest of his body but, the more he relies on the corruptive magic, the more dominion it has over his mind.

Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.


Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.


Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.