


2 years, 9 hours ago


  • NAME Magpiewallow
  • NICKNAMES Magpie
  • AGE 20 ☽
  • PRONOUNS He/him
  • ORIENTATION Unlabeled
  • RESIDENCE Blizzardclan
  • RANK Snow-seeker
  • MENTOR None
  • STATUS Alive
  • VOICE CLAIM keith kogane - voltron

It's... hard, when you can't trust yourself to do the right thing.

Magpiewallow is an authoriative, confident tom who makes a point to act for the cause. He is very good at what he does and is natually inclined towards physical capability and intelligence -- from a young age, Magpie showed signs of being above leagues above his class, expressing his strengths through play battles and tests of smarts. He takes what he does in stride, blindly following the orders of his superiors, often times going so far as to praise their words so long as they're even vaguely positive in nature. Even when instructed to perform morally ambiguous or unethical actions, he'll do them to the best of his ability, for Magpiewallow puts his worth in the hands of his success, and it'd kill him to dissapoint.

Laid-back and fun-loving in nature, Magpiewallow is far more lenient than his superiors, proving to be snarky and sarcastic through his dialogue. Despite the cruel conditions of his work and his tendency to flaunt his status, he never takes advantage of his social stance for personal gain and only ever uses it for the sake of his boss and/or the higher-ups, showcasing his humility and fair, even way of life. He's very respectful towards those his admires and, due to being treated as better and/or special for the majority of his life, tends to show a sence of hubris and overconfidence when around his peers. Despite this, Magpiewallow is a genuine, whole-hearted guy who desperately longs for success, admiration, praise, and acceptance. He longs to be worth something and, despite the qualifications of his line of work, desperately craves close-knit friendships and bonds.
















pessimist optimist

Naive Perceptive

Reserved Social

sassy polite

patient foolhardy






Authoriative and confident in persona, Magpiewallow makes a point to act for the cause. He's laid-back, chill, and, despite the stoic, war-hardened reputation of others within his field, proves to be quite the fun-loving, curious guy. He enjoys making quips during physical altercations and, much like a child, finds amusement in pissing people off, using his extensive intelligence and knowledge of maneuvers to dance about the battle-field; he purposefully draws things out and, though he knows very well that he should be far more serious, continues to do so until he grows bored and/or loses interest. Driven by a never-satiated hunger for praise and acceptance, Magpiewallow takes what he does in stride, blindly following the orders of those he looks up to. He's very good at what he does and he KNOWS it, often showing his confidence through acts of childish showing off and/or hubris. Even when instructed to execute actions regarded as unethical, he'll follow through without question. It's a terrible, horrible thing, and he knows it, so he tries not to dwell on it much.

Magpiewallow, deny as he may, is a people pleaser. He's driven by the crippling fear of dissapointing others, and thus tends to overwork himself. He takes his orders very seriously -- so much so that his world seems to revolve around working solely for the pleasure of others (specifically those he admires). It is very rare Magpie takes time to do what he likes. This has been a constant since he was a kit and, as a result, the young tom doesn't even KNOW what he finds joy in. Everything seems to be new to him, even in his age. Even when given leisure time, Magpiewallow busies himself with work and/or finding ways of making the lives of his superiors easier. Though his intellect is far above those of his peers, it often results in an overtly confident, clouded, naive way of thinking. He seems to be stuck in a constant delusion that those he idolizes are doing what's right, even when their actions don't reflect it at all; he risks piraling into a horrible, frantic state of panic if this movie-esc. illusion is shattered. He is well aware of this and, even when presented with concern, continuously brushes it off with an aloof, carefree shrug and assurance that he's dealt with far worse. His loyalty borders obsession. Despite this, Magpiewallow openly shows concern for people who display the same qualities as him and, through careful perception, is able to identify unhealthy relationships in anyopne but himself.

Along with this, Magpiewallow places his worth in his success. He thrives off the praise of others and absolutely DESPISES being anything less than the best. This mindset leads him to working CONSTANTLY and, when presented with those who he's ranked 'beneath him,' spurs an arrogant, somewhat obnoxious persona. He's very resourceful and sharp, able to keep a cool, rational train of thought even when under mountains of stress. He's readily capable of performing difficult, mentally straining tasks, and through an avoidant personality, is able to dodge the weight of his actions (until it all spills over, that is). Despite this, Magpiewallow is a very respectful, genuine guy with a heart of gold and a drive to please. He's very endearing and shows a love for all things cute, often going on little rants about the things he likes. He enjoys spending time with others and longs for something more-- a better, more adventurous life filled with friends, love, and light. He's a dreamer through-and-through, even if his actions say otherwise.

Positive Traits
  • confident
  • resourceful and a quick-thinker
  • caring and good-natured
  • respectful
Neutral Traits
  • authoriative
  • hard-working
  • confident
  • blunt
Negative Traits
  • judgmental
  • delusional
  • unhealthily submissive to authority
  • doormatish
  • MOTHER Swanflutter
  • FATHER Doluswidow
  • MATE None






  • Name ━  Magpiewallow was given his name for his likeness to the bird.
  • Meaning ━  His suffix, wallow, was bestowed upon him due to his tendency to wallow and/or sulk when things don't go as planned. He finds this incredibly embarrassing and, when it's brought up, will turn his head and change the subject.
  • KITHOOD ━  Magpiekit
  • APPRENTICE ━  Magpiepaw
  • Soft-textured things
  • Quality time
  • Success and admiration
  • Failure
  • Dissapointing others
  • Being looked upon with pity

  • Resourceful
  • Sharp-minded
  • Naturally talented
  • Places own worth in success
  • Jealous and scornful
  • Stubborn and not very open-minded
  • Magpiewallow is terrified of failure. He will work day and night to ensure he gets things done and will often times overwork himself to the point of collapse. He has a horrid, biting need for approval and, when lost within his respect and admiration for superiority figures, will excuse abuse if it means his fantasy is kept alive.
  • Having been raised in a very literal, stoic family, Magpiewallow never developed a feel for physical affection. He doesn't know how he feels about it and, when approached for a hug and/or brush of the fur, risks growing extremely flustered.
  • BREED Mix breed
  • BODY TYPE Mesmorphic
  • BUILD Tall, lean, thick-furred, and angular
  • HEIGHT 15 in.
  • SCARS A long, jagged scar trailing from beneath his right eye, down his chest, and to the middle portion of the right side of his flank & a criss-cross scar over his right shoulder
  • SCENT Rainfall and fresh dew
  • PELT COLOUR An array of monochromatic colors
  • FUR SHAPE Thick, spiky, and tufted
  • EYE COLOUR Dull, ice-blue
  • WEIGHT 12 lbs.
  • DESIGNER wiishes
  • WORTH $465

Magpiewallow's a tall, long-legged tom with a well-muscled, lean disposition and angular, tired-looking features. His pelt is thick and short along the expanse of his flank; it stems into long, feathered tufts along his neck, spine, chest, cheeks, and joints, giving him a somewhat pointy, sharp appearance. This, in pair with the long strips of fur sprouting from the base of his ears and tail, alude to a magpie-esc. vibe. He's built fairly strong and, due to constant traveling amongst the rocks, has gained a great deal of muscle along his legs and shoulders. His stance is quite domineering and reflects his hubris and confidence.

Constant, unyielding stress and the reluctance to take time off has led Magpiewallow to take on a pereptually tired, exhausted appearance. Bags hang heavy under his eyes and, though he walks with a firm, proper posture, his steps have a heavy, tired drawl to them. His bangs, heavy with the weight of both itself and snowfall, hang over his eyes, only further pushing the unkpet, haggard vibe he exudes.


One of the clans most profound snow-seekers. Known for his strong, blunt demeanor, countless saves, and unwavering morale. From the moment he was born, Doluswidow made it a point to push Magpiewallow to the brink of destruction. He would consistently force his child into new and life-threatening situations, all under the guise that he "wanted him to grow up just as he", and would berate him for any mistake, no matter how insignificant. He made a point to train him well, fostering each and every skill with great care. He was ruthless in his methods, and despite Magpiewallow's initial reluctance, the young tom soon grew to bow his head to authority. To this day, the fear of failure plagues him, and Magpiewallow struggles with the constant need to be perfect. In the case he does not fall under his own standards -- molded and crafted to be akin to his fathers own -, he'll suffer a horrible, mentally straining breakdown. Despite his mistreatment, Magpiewallow holds his father in high regards, and to this day longs to live up to his reputation. All he desires is to be told he's made him proud.


Swanflutter was Magpiewallow's only solace for the majority of his childhood. She cared for him greatly, always ensuring he knew she was proud of him, and would actively push herself to keep up with his boundless energy and sharp intellect. Despite her illness, she never allowed it to come between her and her son; the two, up until her death were near inseperable. Swanflutter passed away two moons before Magpiewallow's warrior ceremony. He tries not to think of her much, as the memory is enough to shake an already wounded heart.


Magpiewallow isn't well acquainted with Praxidikesleuth, but he respects her valor and integrity. They rarely speak, 'less they're on patrol.

 Best Friend

Summerbreeze, Summerpaw at the time, came into Magpiewallow's life not long after his mother's passing. Magpiewallow initially regarded him as annoying and incompetent, stating his constant chatter and inability to take a hint was "fucking horrifying.", and would consistently avoid the young tom. Despite this, Summerbreeze continued to seek him out, and with time Magpiewallow grew to regard his precense as something far, far more than he initially thought. He isn't sure when it happened, nor why, but sometime between bitter anger and somber heaviness, "annnoying" grew into "comforting," and "nuisance" slipped into "lifeline." He still regards Summerbreeze as though he's but an irritant, responding to requests and chit-chat with a deadpan and blunt commentary, but deep down Magpiewallow wholeheartedly appreciates his friend. Though he'll never admit, Summerbeeze saved his life. Had they never met, he is unsure of the path he'd have taken; he's forever grateful for the bright, smiley cat who, despite his horrible behavior, continued to give him chances, successfully worming his way into his heart.

 Best Friend/Crush

Magpiewallow's second best friend; the two often journey to the forest of silence. Brightwreath is anxious, jumpy, and impossibly ditzy, but cheery, warm, and welcoming all the same, and he absolutely ADORES it. Magpiewallow finds comfort in her happiness, and, even if things usually result in a sticky situation, he sincerely enjoys spending time with her. When accompanied by the young warrior -- her smile, cheer, and everything alike --, he feels as though he's genuinely appreciated. It's a rare thought, one he so desperately craves, and the notion alone is enough to send his heart into overdrive. Never in his moons of life did he ever think someone could be so positively /radiant/; he's incredibly grateful for having been born at the same time as Brightwreath, and is even more thankful for the chance to know her as well as he does. Recently, he's begun to seek her out in the crowd, and has begun to feel unusually warm in her presence. He's unsure of what this means, but, even though it makes his heart stutter and paws shuffle, it's not entirely unpleasant, and Magpiewallow looks forward to getting a grasp on what it means.


Squallcall is... certainly something. Magpiewallow regards her as someone who, despite her status, REFUSES to take her job seriously, and views her excitable demeanor and abrasive way of communication as nothing short of confusing. He admires her competitive spirit, but he has yet to find a way to properly express it, and longs to voice the way he views her. They aren't the closest, nor are they distant, and in such he considers her someone of vague acquaintance. Overall, she's someone he talks to on occassion; could be closer. He mainly knows her through Brightwreath, who shares a close friendship with his fellow snow-seeker.