


1 year, 11 months ago


Oh No!
1:16 3:03

water fairy | trans man | 27

Coral is the worst person you'll ever meet. She's the best thing that'll ever happen to you. She's the most chill person ever. He's a spoiled brat.

Born to the Water Fairy royals, Coral should be a princess. Instead, he's a banished, washed up freeloader. He's a wanderer who never stays in one place long, always mooching off of whoever's kind enough to let her. He loves to lie, making up whatever story will grant him the most favors. Basically, not the best person, but she sure will make you feel like he is!

  • Men
  • Pretty Clothes
  • Shopping
  • Commitment
  • Mundane activities
  • People who are Too Nice

Cause I feel like I'm the worst

chaotic neutral | ESTP 7w8 | pisces |
flirty cunning fake

Coral has always had the ability to charm his way out of anything, and will go to any lengths to get what she wants. He's never been completely honest in his life. (Okay, maybe once.) She refuses to stay in the same place for too long, and especially refuses to stay with the same person for too long. Commitment is such a slog! He leaves a trail of broken hearts wherever she goes, and doesn't usually feel too much remorse about it. She's extremely selfish and self-absorbed, and will absolutely put his own feelings over that of anyone else's. Coral's used to getting his way, and he won't let that go so easily. But he likes to put up the facade that he's not like this at all.

Coral's on a journey of "reinventing herself", and that involves faking it til you make it! To the rest of the world, Coral is chill and just loves to go with the flow. He wants exactly what you want. She'll never complain about anything. He's charming, sweet, kind, honest, and just has so much love to give! To this Coral, a stranger is a friend you haven't fucked yet. Oops- met yet.


So I always act like I'm the best

5'10 | slim | slender

Coral is a slender, tall, tan-skinned Water Fairy. He has bouncy teal ombre hair that is noticeably a bit choppy, but she does his best to make it look pretty. He often wears a pink starfish accessory in his hair. He wears makeup that goes with whatever he's wearing.

Coral has more expensive tastes than how he presents, dressing in simple beachy attire on most days. He wants to give the illusion that he's just an average fairy like anyone else, and for the most part he is. Well, *now* he is anyways. Coral's favorite colors to wear are pink and teal, sometimes with hints of orange.

Important Notes
  • Coral's skin is tinged teal on his cheeks, fingers, and toes, but I just forget to draw it a lot. It's the same color as his ears.
  • Coral used to have long hair and she prefered it that way. However he lost it unceremoniously in a magical accident and it never grew back.
  • Coral's always wearing pearl jewelry or other aquatic accessories.
  • Coral has top surgery scars.

lyric here...

Top secret information...
Growing Up

Coral grew up on the coast of Emerriden Isle as the daughter of the Water Royals. As the child of affluent parents, Coral was accustomed to having her every whim catered to. Because of this, he ended up being quite uptight and snobby and spoiled.

Coral lived a fairly sheltered existence, never experiencing much outside of his life as a royal. Even having everything he could ever want got boring, and she constantly sought something more interesting, never quite satisfied with the life he had.

At 13, Coral meets her fairy tale Prince, his knight in shining armor- Ezra Bomberg. The two become fast friends, and eventually more. However, just as Coral's about to tell his parents about their relationship, they have a revelation of their own.

Coral is arranged to be wed to a noble from Cyaneous Reef. Coral tried to protest the whole thing, but for the first time in her life, he didn’t get his way.

Rather than tell Ezra this, though, Coral lies and says everything went fine, keeping the whole marriage thing secret. Their relationship continues like normal, and one day, Ezra is proposing to Coral. And now, she's engaged to two men.

Coming clean seems so hard to do now, and when Coral meets Rei, she realizes he likes the attention she gets from him too. Does he even want to choose? Right now, he's succesfully balancing both! So, Coral takes advantage of being the Princess in two guy's stories for as long as he can until everything falls apart.


An invitation is dropped in Ezra's lap. An invitation to none other than the wedding of Coral and Rei. It couldn't stay a secret forever.

Wanting to trust that Coral wouldn't do something like this to him, Ezra attends. Coral made his way over to Ezra, wanting to get ahead of the curve and do her best to explain things to him. But as soon as Ezra learns that Coral had been lying and keeping things from him, his heart shatters, his trust broken.

Coral responds honestly. She did want to be with him! He did love him! And everything was genuine the entire time! But the honesty came too late. The trust was severed on Ezra’s end, and he couldn’t believe a word she was saying.

The confrontation isn't quiet either. all the attention turned to the ‘bride’ and the son of the Royal Guards. Soon, Rei caught wind of the whole thing too. Where Ezra was hurt, Rei was furious. Even more attention was brought to them as Rei, the groom, joined the fight. It was all a mess. A big, very public mess with the royal heir as the main star.

When Lady Umiko and Sir Caspian are alerted of the situation, they're there in an instant. They learn of what Coral has done, how she's 'had an affair' behind their backs. Rei really ups the pity party for himself, and Ezra is torn. It was all very unacceptable, especially when so much of being a royal was about image. And here Coral was, tarnishing hers, and by extension, her family’s.

Coral is subsequently banished at age 17. It was, of course, a difficult decision to be made, but a necessary one in his father’s eyes. His mother felt differently, but she didn’t ever overstep. Coral could come back only when he “learned her lesson” or whatever that means.


With nowhere to stay, Coral leaves her hometown and journeys out to find somewhere else to go. As he wanders with no destination in mind, she considers all the events up until now.

But rather than reflecting too deeply, he chalks it up to HIM being the victim in all this. My stupid parents forced me into this stupid loveless marriage because they HATE ME and Ezra is so fake and never really loved me and didn’t even believe me, Rei is the worst and my life sucks! No learning lessons here. Coral was gonna slut himself out now.

Deep down, though, Coral definitely carries a huge amount of guilt and remorse, but would just rather ignore and not think about it. Instead, she decides to reinvent himself entirely. Rather than dwell on the past, why not become someone new? Someone no one knows. Someone who would never fall for the trick that was ‘love’ and do anything stupid like that again.

Coral chooses to adopt a chill, surfer dude-like persona. He’s still charming but does her best to be a lot less uptight and snobby. Rather, he’s “chill, go with the flow, and super duper friendly!” (Though, despite her best efforts, the real Coral definitely shines through at times.) Coral tries to be down to earth, more practical, and selfless and takes everything in stride. Yep. Totally. This is NOT A MASK!!!

It's a good thing that Coral has charm and persuasion on her side because the men he sleeps with eat this shit up. Nobody knows the Coral he used to be, so why would they think he was anything other than what she says she is? And Coral never stays around long enough for them to discover anything else.

Coral spends most of her days wandering from place to place, getting to know the townspeople and then leaving. Any selfish desires, he can always find a selfless man to do for her.

Coral's full of lies about everything. His backstory? Way more tragic than it actually was. "I'm an orphan! My parents drowned, and I washed ashore sopping wet and all alone!" His personality? Who even IS the real Coral? His wants and desires? Why, he just wants whatever YOU want, darling! Whatever will make you like him the most, she'll adapt to it. Easy peasy.

Does Coral want more than this? Of course. Deep down, there is that yearning for what he and Ezra had all those years ago, for something more than a one-night stand. For things to really matter to him. To belong somewhere, with someone, doing something he cares about. All that would be great, but getting that requires EFFORT. It's just too much to put into something that is of no guarantee. What she's doing now. It's easy. It's mindless. It's fun. Coral's okay with this for now.

lyric here...

What a list!


Ezra was Coral's first love, and the only person Coral has allowed herself to fall in love with.

It was all very sappy and teenager, but it was real when it happened. Despite the circumstances of their breakup, Coral does at times look back at what he had with Ezra fondly. If things had been different, Coral's sure they could have settled down together.



There was never a lot of love between Coral and Rei. Rei wanted the throne, and Coral liked the attention.

Rei was definitely a lot more into the whole thing than Coral.



Coral's relationship with his mother is incredibly strained, now even moreso with the whole banishment thing but it's always been rocky.

Umiko was nothing but loving and doting to Coral her whole life, yet for some reason she always just annoyed Coral to no end. Endlessly spoiled, but still had reason to complain.

While the main reason for this IS Coral's general brattiness, there was also an underlying feeling of being trapped. Trapped by this fate to become the perfect Princess. Eventually the perfect Wife or Queen or even Mother. To Umiko, Coral was her perfect little Girl, and that was suffocating.