Daisuke Ikeda



6 years, 5 months ago


Daisuke Ikeda

"” It’ll get it done eventually. With how fast I am anything can be done quickly so why stress about it?”

— Daisuke Ikeda to Umeko Fujimoto

Daisuke Ikeda

Biographical Information
  • Japanese Name
    大輔 池田
  • Rōmanji Name
    Daisuke Ikeda
  • Alias
Personal Description

  • Birthday
    May 13th
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Height
    5'6" (167cm)
  • Hair Color
    Dark Green
  • Eye Color
  • Blood Type
  • Quirk
  • Status
  • Birth-Place
    Kyoto Prefecture
  • Family
    Kouki Ikeda (Father) Kaya Ikeda (Mother)
  • Occupation
  • Affiliation
  • Fighting Style
    Hit and Run

Daisuke Ikeda is a student attending U.A. High School training to be a Pro Hero. 

Upon his acceptance to UA, Daisuke became a member of Class 1-B.



Daisuke is above average in height with a very lean frame. He keeps his dark blue-green hair short with a bit of a choppy look. Daisuke’s dark yellow eyes stand out compared to his light skin. There is also a scar on Daisuke’s right side of his face going from his jaw towards his nose that stops midway through his cheek.

Daisuke’s hero outfit is a yellow body suit with blue wraps around the legs looking like boots and around the hands and wrists for gloves. He also has a dark green jacket that he keeps open and with the sleeves rolled up at the elbows. The dark green shades that Daisuke wears not only protects his eyes when going at high speeds but also has a bit of tech giving him a GPS as well as a speed gauge.

When at school Daisuke wears the UA uniform. He tends to keep the top button of his shirt undone and keeps his tie loose. Away from school Daisuke is usually wearing t-shirts, beat up jeans, and dark blue converse.


Daisuke is very easy going and can be a bit of a slacker. He will only put in a lot of effort into things that are able to catch his interest. Since most things he could do in no time at all, Daisuke won’t bother dealing with them. But, the things he does enjoy or will help him with his goals he cares about with a passion. Daisuke isn’t the brightest, but he will always try his best when he is motivated. When it comes to dealing with others Daisuke doesn’t get very worked up, so he gets along with most people. He thinks it is fun to meet people with different personalities. Daisuke thinks by getting to know different personalities it will help when it comes to working with others as a pro hero. Also, since he doesn’t get excited about much he enjoys seeing his friends get worked up about stuff he doesn’t have the energy for. Daisuke is also a big flirt. Just about any girl that comes his way will be greeted with a wink and a smile. Daisuke is a natural charmer, but it is all in good fun.



Type: Mutant

Range: Self

Daisuke moves his body at very high speeds. When stopping from top speed, he must be careful because it is easier to crash. The longer they maintain max speed the longer Daisuke needs to recover. This does help in close quarters combat because he can get in a lot of attacks in a short time. This quirk does burn a lot of energy, so a high caloric intake is needed


  • Comet Punch: A basic attack of Daisuke gathering speed from a distance to deliver a high speed punch
  • Meteor Shower: Daisuke gets in close to deliver a barrage of punches while dodging his opponent. This is a bit of a risky move as if Daisuke can't dodge an incoming attack he is very vulnerable.  
    • Meteor Storm: An upgraded version of the Meteor Shower, Daisuke now circles around the opponent and spreads out his punches. This helps him avoid attacks by constantly moving and delivers damage to more points. However this move also depletes more of Daisukes energy by moving at high speeds at a high rate
  • Nova Flare: A defensive move. When captured Daisuke with move a part of his body rapidly to heat up the enemy's hand/body causing them to release him. Daisuke is currently experimenting to see how to use this offensively. 


3/5 C

5/5 A

3/5 C

2/5 D

5/5 A


  • Speed Suit: Daisuke's speed suit has been specially made with heat resistant polymers to combat the high friction he creates moving at high speeds 
  • Jacket: Daisuke's jacket is a hand me down from his father's days as a hero. It has been modified with extra padding to protect in case of crashes
    • In his pockets, Daisuke always keeps some specially made energy bars just in case.
  • Sunglasses: Although they appear as normal sunglasses, the visor that Daisuke wears are made from very durable material to prevent cracking or scratches and to help shield his eyes from the wind from moving at high speeds. 
    • A second version was made by Mei that has a heads up display GPS and Bluetooth communications


Battle Test

  • Daisuke Ikeda vs. Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu: Win
Cavalry Battle
  • Team Umkeo vs. Team Kendo: Win
  • Team Umkeo vs. Team Shinsou: Loss
Work Place Training Arc
  • Daisuke Ikeda and Isamu Matsushida vs Armadillo Villain : Win
  • Daisuke Ikeda vs. Kaya Ikeda: Lose


  • Likes: Manga, Music and Girls
  • Dislikes: Rain
  • Voice Actors
    • English: Travis Willingham (Roy Mustang, Full Metal Alchemist) Example
    • Japanese: Katsuyuki Konishi (Kaoru Seo, Sekirei) Example
  • The scar on Daisuke’s face was the result of him showing off his quirk to a group of girls. He wasn’t watching what he was doing and ran into a street sign.
  • Since Daisuke’s quirk requires him to eat a lot he tries not to be picky with his food. But, he usually keeps some hot sauce to improve things just in case.
  • Daisuke’s hero name of Speed-Star came from when he was a child and had trouble saying the name of his quirk Speedster. His parents thought it was just a cute way of a kid talking but Daisuke thought it sounded cool later.
  • Another reason Daisuke has for wanting to have a top hero agency is to try and get his father to become a pro hero again.
  • Daisuke has a fear of snakes from almost being bitten as a kid

Early Years

Birth and Quirk

Daisuke is the only son to Kaya and Kouki Ikeda. Kouki had opened his own hero agency years ago and it was there he met Kaya. They worked together for a long time and eventually got married. When he learned he would be a father Kouki was ecstatic because he was not only happy to be a dad but also getting closer to his dream of having a family of well known heroes. Daisuke lived a normal happy life looking up to both of his parents. He had fun with Kouki watching cartoons and playing together and he would spend a lot of time learning to cook with his Kaya. 

It was when Daisuke was four when he was in the park with his friends playing a game of tag. One of the the boys was getting very close to tagging Daisuke. He just kept pumping his arms harder trying to get away. He blinked and found himself a block away from the park. Daisuke realized his Speedster quirk had finally manifested. He wasted no time running home to tell his parents. Both Kouki and Kaya were so happy for their son. Kaya instantly started to see how fast he was and started to show him tricks. And, Daisuke loved learning how to use his quirk with Kaya. They had fun racing together and Kaya teaching her son all her high speed close quarter moves.

Betrayal and Drive

Daisuke did look up to his parents as heroes, but didn't realize how hard their jobs were. Due to her lack of technique, Kaya was often charged for her heroic exploits more than being paid. This caused a little bit of a strain at home for Daisuke and Kouki. Eventually the stress got to Kaya and she found her self taking shady jobs and even stealing. It was soon found out by Kouki and Kaya left her family in shame and to continue her life doing things for herself. Kouki felt he couldn’t continue working as a hero anymore and closed his hero agency. He also felt he needed time to spend with Daisuke who was heartbroken. Daisuke felt defeated seeing his mother and hero committing crimes. But, he also saw what it did to his father as well. Daisuke knew how much his dad loved being a hero and deep-down Daisuke thought they would be one of the up and coming hero families. It was then that Daisuke decided that he would work hard to become a pro hero and open his own hero agency to prove his family was there to help everyone.

U.A. Beginnings Saga

Entrance Exam Arc

It was coming to the end of middle school, Daisuke and all his friends were getting ready to apply for high schools. Daisuke was the only one of his friends to go for U.A. and they all agreed that it was a long shot especially with his less than great test scores. He still wanted to try and studied with Kouki as much as he could. His father was ready to support his son no matter what.

The time came for the Entrance Exam and Daisuke was ready as he could be. The written exam was just as challenging as he imagined but he tried his best. Then it was the practical exam that Daisuke figured would be his saving grace. The exam started quickly with a shout from Present Mic and Daisuke wasted no time running straight in slamming into a pair of robots.  Speeding around Daisuke quickly searched for the higher value robots. As the exam was coming to a close the zero point robot appeared and towered over all the examinees slowly crushing a building. Daisuke did spot a girl paralyzed with fear and grabbed her before a piece of rubble could get near her. By the time he got the both of them out of harms way the exam was over. 

Daisuke waited a while to hear back from the exam board. When he got his results it showed that he barely scrapped by on the written exam but did very well on the practical exam passing with 45 villain points and 5 rescue points. Daisuke was so happy to tell his father that he would be attending U.A. next semester.

When the school year started, Daisuke became a member of class 1-B. Their homeroom teacher Vlad, aka Blood King, wasted no time and started to test them from day one with some one on one battles. It was an open city area from the entrance exams. The class was split between heroes and villains. The heroes had to capture the villain, but there were also robots assisting the villains. Daisuke was set to try and capture Tetsutetsu, but instantly had an issue with his hero costume. He was sent to the Hero Support class to see if they could give him a quick fix. Making his way to the large lab, Daisuke was greeted by an energetic pink haired girl. Her name was Mei Hatsume and she got to work right away on Daisuke's costume. There were two things he noticed about Mei. One is she was full of passion for her work and the second was she seemed to not notice any of Daisuke's pick up lines. But she was able to fix his problem in no time allowing Daisuke to return with enough time to go up against Tetsutetsu.

Sports Festival Arc

7363448_kX7ZW177IT66uHN.png?1524415623After a while, Daisuke and the rest of 1-B was getting excited for the upcoming Sports Festival. They had all seen how everyone was talking about class 1-A after the USJ incident and figured the Sports Festival was going to be their time to shine. Daisuke was extra excited since he learned his father would take time off to be there in person to cheer for him. Before the festival, Daisuke thought to have Mei tinker with his gloves and boots since he was allowed to have them. But, he was surprised to find she didn't have the time. Mei claimed she was too busy prepping her babies for the Sports Festival. So Daisuke decided to work a deal by helping Mei to finish by testing the new inventions so she would have time to help with his equipment. 

Before the festival started, most of class 1-B agreed not to show off their quirks in the first event to give them an advantage in the second event. Daisuke was fine until he learned that it was going to be a race. Knowing his speed, Daisuke was confident that he could breeze by everyone. To make matters worse was meeting Tenya Iida. Knowing there was someone with a speed based quirk did spur a fire in Daisuke. Even with having to hold back, Daisuke and the rest of his class were able to make it to the next round. 

The next round was going to be a Cavalry Battle. Daisuke started to wonder who would be good to team up with when Umeko appeared in front of him with a white haired girl. She was Shion from 1-A and apparently Umeko was forcing her to team up from some incident they had at the beginning of the race. Umeko wanted Daisuke to join them and he agreed since it seemed like too much hassle to find his own team. After a suggestion by Shion they added Jette Kita from 1-C to even up their team. As the battle started most everyone went for Team Midoriya with their huge point value. Umeko thought since most would be distracted by the chaos it could be a good chance to get one of the other teams. They were able to sneak a headband away from Team Kendo, but soon after everything went blank. When they all regained their focus the battle was over and they had no points

Daisuke didn't mind that much since now he could relax and watch his classmates in the battle tournament. From the first battle he and the others learned that it was Shinsou's quirk that made them go blank and loose the match. Daisukue actually thought it was an impressive trick. It was fun getting to cheer on the other members of 1-B and even Mei. Though her battle turned into more of a presentation for her inventions. In the end Daisuke was a little motivated to try and improve his skills seeing all the great matches. 

Hero Killer Arc

Soon after the Sports Festival the students learned they would be joining hero agencies for a week for work-place experience. Despite not going very far in the festival, Daisuke did receive a single nomination from a pro-hero. It was from Isamu Matsushida a former sidekick to Daisuke's father. For the most part Isamu had Daisuke focus on the unseen work that takes place at a hero agency as well as doing some community work. Daisuke did get a chance to fight a villain but mostly played support to Isamu and keeping people save.

It was on the last day of his work placement that on patrol Daisuke noticed a breeze followed by people noticing missing things. He told Isamu that he had to check something out and to watch out. Running down the street Daisuke was knocked into an alley. When he sat up he could see a hand in front of him. Looking up he was shocked to see Kaya smiling at him. Although she was happy to see him, Daisuke didn't share the feeling. She tried to explain herself but he wouldn't listen. Then he attempted to arrest her for illegal use of quirk. However Kaya would stay just out of reach since she was faster than he was. In the end she told Daisuke that she would check in on him soon and dashed away. 

Final Exam Arc

With summer coming on it was time for U.A.'s final exams. Daisuke was a bit nervous for the written exam. After agreeing to test more of her inventions, he did get some help studying from Mei. It seemed luck must have had been on Daisuke's side since he felt he did well. Most of the class had heard that the practical part of the exam was much like the entrance exam where they would battle robots. They were all surprised to learn that due to the school wanting to up the student's experience the students would be battling the teachers. They were all paired off and the two of them would capture or escape from a teacher. Daisuke was one of the first to compete with Umeko against Snipe.

From the start Daisuke and Umeko had the idea of Daisuke just running to the exit for a quick win. This tactic was easily figured out by Snipe. As soon as Daisuke made his way to the exit Snipe took a couple shots stopping Daisuke in his tracks. Even with Umeko trying to lay down cover fire with her needles, Snipe would just shoot them down. Daisuke was still shaken from his run in with Kaya, thinking he wasn't ever going to be fast enough. This, along with Snipe's keen eye, caused his movements to be predictable. Eventually the two of them stopped and had to come up with a new plan while hiding from Snipe's constant barrage of bullets. Luckily Umeko had an idea that could work. Daisuke ran straight towards Snipe and began to circle around him rapidly moving in a tight circle. Snipe pointed out how he was still barely dodging the shots. Daisuke pointed out that Snipe forgot there were two targets. Quickly Snipe looked for Umeko but there was so much dust in the air from Daisuke's mini cyclone to find where she was. Just as he was able to fend off Daisuke and escape Umeko had already made it to the exit securing the win. 

Forest Training Camp Arc

Just as summer began, Daisuke and class 1-B were heading off to the woods for training. On the way there the bus stopped and they were greeted by Tiger and Ragdoll, pro-heroes from the team Wild Wild Pussycats. Apparently they were there to help the students with their quirk training and the first part was making it through the woods to the camp. At first it didn't seem too bad and then the earth creatures made by the Pussycat's teammate Pixie-Bob started to come after the students. Somehow the class was able to make it to the camp.

The second day was spent with the student doing intense training to expand their quirks. Daisuke was tasked with chasing after Tenya Iida to tag him while also wearing arm and leg weights. In order to keep up Daisuke was forced to move at his max speed but got exhausted quickly. When he stopped to catch his breath Ragdoll pointed out to him that the weights would help his strength, lead to increased speed when the weights come off, and increase his stamina.

On the third night there was going to be a competition between the classes with a test of courage. Daisuke wasn't sure he could do much to scare anyone with his quirk. The only thing he tried was running behind the testers brushing them with a plant to make them nervous. After a while Daisuke noticed no one else was coming. Just when he thought to go look for someone he saw the bright blue flames in the distance. Mandalay spoke to them over stating that villains were attacking and Aizawa gave them the okay to fight in defense. Daisuke ran through the forest looking for people along the way. He started to come across some purple smoke and realized it was gas. Momo and Yosetsu arrived handing him a gas mask Momo made. Daisuke helped to run into the gas looking for any students that needed help out. Eventually he found Pony Tsunotori and as he was taking her back to camp she wasn't doing well. Daisuke took off his mask and gave it to her. As he made it back to camp and gave Pony to Umeko to help with healing, Daisuke's vision began to blur. He knew if he went back he would probably pass out, but just as he made it to his feet the attack was over. Most of the class wasn't harmed that badly, but a student and Ragdoll were missing.

Hideout Raid Arc

Although Daisuke didn't receive any injuries he was still taken into the hospital to be treated for gas inhalation. After he was discharged the first thing Daisuke did was met up with Mei. She was relieved to see he was okay. Daisuke told her when the attack started he just kept thinking of if he didn't make it he would never see his father or her again. It was then he told Mei how much he cares for her and confessed his feelings for her. It was a little startling but she admitted she had grown fond of him as well. They both decided to start a more romantic relationship

When he got home Daisuke was greeted with a tight hug from Kouki. The moment of happiness was short as a news alert that there was an incident in Kamino Ward. All Might was locked in battle with an unknown enemy and he was in bad shape. He looked thin and had a sunken face. Daisuke was in shock but still with his father cheered on All Might as he secured his victory with a massive attack. 

A couple days later Daisuke got a home visit from Vlad-sensei. He was there to see how the parents felt about the students moving into the campus. Daisuke was ready to go, but Kouki wasn't sure. With all the incidents that had happened, maybe it was a sign that Daisuke should give up on being a hero. It was only going to get more dangerous if he got in any deeper. Daisuke was stunned. He pleaded with his father that he had gotten better and had even been able to help his friends. Kouki was reluctant but he knew when Daisuke was actually motivated he wouldn't let it go. He gave the okay for Daisuke to move into U.A.

Rise of the Villains Saga

Hero License Exam Arc

After moving in to the new dorms, class 1-B began to work on Ultimate Moves for the upcoming Hero License Exams. Daisuke with some help from his teachers modified a move and came up with a brand new technique. When it was suggested that they may want to get their costumes modified, Daisuke took it upon himself to introduce his classmates to the Support Course and Mei.

When it came time for the exam, their class had come up with a plan to help insure their victory. Daisuke tagged a few different people getting them to follow him to a point where the rest of the class ambushed them. When it came to the rescue portion of the exam, Daisuke spent most of the time taking victims to the save zone. He did loose a couple points though by flirting with a few of the girls a bit too much. But, in the end Daisuke and all of 1-B passed and received their provisional licenses. 

Internship Arc

After getting their provisional licenses, Daisuke and the others began to look around at pro-hero agencies to become interns. Daisuke was considering going back to Isamu's agency but was wondering if that was too easy since they would take him since he was Kouki's son rather than on his own skills. But, Daisuke was approached by Vlad-sensei stating that Daisuke with his history probably should focus on school getting to a more consistent grade level before taking on an internship. But, when that time came he would help Daisuke find an agency.

U.A. Cultural Festival Arc

7364152_ek5o9seyHPOmdyW.pngAs fall was coming it was also the time for the U.A. Cultural Festival. Vlad-sensei told them that the class would have to agree on a project for the festival. They decided on a play "Romeo, Juliet, and The Prisoner of Azkaban: The Return of The Kings". Daisuke didn't feel all that pumped for it not sure what he could really do for it. Tetsutetsu told him to help with the special effects. At first he was going to pass, but felt a challenge when Tetsutetsu said he wouldn't be able to move fast enough to not be seen. 

On the day of the festival, the play went off without a problem. Daisuke had fun moving around doing the magic attacks. When it was over he met up with the 1-A students seeing if they had a good time since they should be able to have a good time too. He even helped them clean up their area from the concert. Together they all went to watch Miss Con with most of 1-B cheering on Kendo. Daisuke wasted no time getting over to the Support Course's presentation. He was proud of Mei showing off her invention. When it was over he congratulated her but noticed she was beginning to sway a bit. It was clear she was exhausted and he walked her over to sit her down. When he came back with a water, Mei was out cold. Daisuke smiled, got her a blanket and gave her a goodnight kiss on the cheek.  After he left, Daisuke had enough time to make the results of the Miss Con. Unfortunately, Kendo didn't win but Daisuke did his best to cheer her up telling her she will win next year. 


Kouki Ikeda

Kouki is a hard-working man that, like Daisuke, is a bit of a flirt as well. He loves to joke around when he gets the opportunity. He has tried to instill his work ethic into his son but with little to no results. Kouki is very supportive of his son. But, he also tries to steer his son away from the hero lifestyle. Kouki knows if Daisuke becomes a pro hero others will compare him to Kaya since they share the same quirk and look similar. He wants what is best for his son, but still knows his dream will be a hard one to achieve. After the incident with Kaya, Kouki closed down his hero agency and took a job as a cop in the forensics department. Since they are the only family they have Daisuke and Kouki have a very close relationship.

Kaya Ikeda


When he was young Daisuke really looked up to Kaya. She had the same quirk as him but was able to do amazing things. She was very sweet and always praised Daisuke saying he would be a great hero. Kaya worked hard to become a star hero, but she ran into troubles. There were times where her quirk got a bit away from her. So, she would seem excessive or ended up destroying public property. Things began to get tight with all the money Kaya had to pay in damages. Eventually she got desperate and used her speed to get some quick cash. But, something unexpected happened, she enjoyed the rush. There were no restrictions put on her and she could do anything she wanted. This continued in secret to help support her family and to relieve some stress. She would take jobs using her quirk, even though unlicensed use of quirks was forbidden. Until one night when she was caught by her husband. She tried to tell Kouki that everything she had done was for the family, but he knew there had to be another way and it had all been for her selfish needs. She left that night moving far away. Kaya still loves her family, but she had to do things her own way. She continues to take shady jobs working for the right buyer. She sends money to Daisuke knowing he will never accept it.


Mei Hatsume


Daisuke and the rest of his class had a battle simulation. Daisuke was having issues with his hero costume and was sent to the support department to have it looked at. When he arrived, Daisuke was met by a girl with large eyes and pink hair named Mei. He told her about the issue he was having, and Mei quickly had a solution. As they waited, Mei began to show Daisuke some of her “sweet babies” she believed could improve his performance. He tried a couple of them, but Daisuke decided to pass on them. Eventually the time came to get ready for the sports festival and Daisuke wanted to see if he could get his visor improved at all. When he made it to the support department he asked for Mei. At first, she said she was busy prepping her own equipment for the festival, but she agreed to help Daisuke if he could help her test them out. He agreed to her request since he had fun experiencing something new the last time he tried her “babies”. Eventually Daisuke stopped by the support department on a regular basis. Usually he had an excuse involving his equipment, but it was mostly to hang out with Mei. Daisuke really enjoyed her assertive and straight forward personality. One day when Daisuke came by for one of his visits Mei began to question why since she had already upgraded every part of his hero costume. It was then Daisuke admitted to her that he was wanting to spend time with her more than anything and how he wanted to start going out away from the support department as a couple. Mei agreed with the idea Daisuke would still help test her newest inventions.

Daisuke and Mei are always ready to help each other. Daisuke will help as a test dummy. And despite having different classes, Mei helps Daisuke study which he greatly appreciates.

Umeko Fujimoto


When they first met Umeko questioned why someone so lazy like Daisuke could even get into UA. Daisuke showed her how by quickly jetting by her causing her skirt to flip up. They had a rocky start to say the least, but eventually they started to get along after having to do class exercises together. Daisuke thinks it would be cool if Umeko could become the first female number one hero. And, Umeko completely understands Daisuke’s motivation to be a pro hero as well. These two like to get together and play video games on occasion.

Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu


Daisuke and Tetsutetsu have a bit of an “Odd Couple” relationship. Tetsutetsu is always trying to get Daisuke pumped up and motivated. Daisuke is usually questioning why his classmate is so excitable. But, despite their differences they do like to compete in class exercises. Daisuke thought it would be good to spar with someone that won’t take much damage from his quirk at all making Daisuke come up with new techniques and raise his power. Tetsutetsu is fine with this since he wants all his classmates to improve themselves. They have quickly become good friends with all the time they spend together.

Tenya Iida



Most of Class 1-B had already sparked a bit of a rivalry with Class 1-A since they had gotten a lot of attention from already dealing with villains at USJ. Daisuke didn’t feel the same way as most of his classmates, but Tenya was the exception. Daisuke had never come across many others that could even come close to him in speed, until Tenya since they both have mobility quirks. So unlike with most Daisuke openly called Tenya out saying he will never be beat by him. Daisuke teases Tenya a bit for his up tight and excitable attitude. However, deep down Daisuke really respects and is a little jealous of Tenya. Tenya is a motivated, reliable person as well as coming from a distinguished family of heroes like Daisuke wants in his own life.

Pro Heroes

Isamu Matsushida


Akane Matsushida