Jamie Riley Feraymalike



6 years, 8 months ago


Name: Jamie Riley Feraymalike

Nickname: James, Jam, Jammy

Gender: Male

DOB: February 25th

Zodiac: Stellmalli

Age: 23

Height: 5'3 ft

Weight: 12.1 stone

Build: Shortish and skinny

Element: Steam (Interalised)

Class: Theif/Scout

Location: Keriik Village

Occupation: Pickpocket

Weapon(s): Harpoon spear

Relationship Status: Single

Personality: Jamie is a bit of an oddball, he's normally found laughing to himself while watching the waves. He's often grinning but can get upset and pout when disturbed or caught when thieving. He disregards any idea of rules or guidelines, doing whatever he pleases unless told not to. Even when told not to, he does attempt to break the rules until the message finally gets across. He's pretty playful around those who consider him a friend, stealing items from them only to give them back later or if they notice - then and there.


Jamie never speaks about his past, let alone anything. He's believed to be a street-orphan who was raised by a gang back in Reshega (known for raising homeless children.) He has signs of abuse from before then, possibly suffering abuse from his parents as a baby. 

Like many of the children, he was brought to Esilis by King Atkin's forces. However, he escaped his cache and was soon attacked by a Lesser Demon. The Lesser Demon knocked him over and he hit the back of his skull against the ground and was knocked out. The Lesser was soon distracted by other screaming children as Jamie was left passed out on the floor. He was fortunately saved by a kind healer who took him to Entrulus. But confused and now mute from his injuries, Jamie escaped them and managed to travel between civilisations on the back of carts all the way to Traveler's Isthmus. 

While at Traveler's Isthmus he learnt how to steal and fight to the best of his ability. He met a girl called Jessica who showed him a lot of special tricks, but he used them against her playfully. She told him to stop but he didn't understand. She grew so upset with him that she exiled him for his actions. Upset and confused, Jamie was sent out into the desert. He did not know that Jessica was the leader of the group of thieves he had been staying with. 

Jamie wandered Houft desert for a day before he was found by travellers who took him to Keriik Village.

Currently, Jamie lives in a small hut by the beach of Keriik Village. There he swims and pickpockets unsuspecting tourists and regulars.

Theme: https://youtu.be/TjectqFTsrw


- Is mute.

- Is a really good swimmer.

- Sometimes eats fish raw. But often steams it. Catching them with his bare hands.

- Has scars on the back of his head from the attack.

- Has very sharp teeth.