


6 years, 4 months ago


Name: Babs

Lab Code: TP-04-B

Age: Unknown

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 135 lbs

Gender: Female

Race: Techie (Appears to be a Sixteen Year old Girl with Rabbit ears)

Abilities: Can transfer her emotional state upon others, can read aura of others, can manipulate how a person feels, and when photographed looks like a High school student's anime OC.

Personality: Reclusive, filled with angst, and introverted, Babs is very much like how some teenagers are during their high school years and with very good reason. Babs can be quiet but will share insight if she feels that the opportunity calls for it before quickly retreating back into her book. Being an avid reader, Babs has a fairly big collection of novels she loves to read in her spare time, preferring old science fiction novels and horror anthologies. After being rescued from the lab, Babs is living a normal life of a teenager and attends classes to feel some sense of normalcy in her existence. Babs does, however, hates having her picture taken because of what she looks like in it.

Bio: Babs was created by someone who had lost a dear friend in the Beta Lab and some of that feelings from this person transferred into her. Babs during her time in the Beta Lab struggled with depression there. During her Psych evaluation when the scientist decided to tell her those feelings aren't real, Babs decided to let this scientist feel what she did, something she would regret. Soon after, said Scientist ended up in the medical bay due to this and Babs was labeled as a danger. Babs was kept in solitary confinement only contact she would get was from when they delivered her meals. Once the Buggacart uprising happened, Babs was busted out of there by her fellow Techies of Beta Lab. Babs  is doing better now that she is getting help along with having a social life in the immortal run school living with the School's Principal.