


2 years, 2 days ago


Monsterverse Context~

In this story there is another demension neighboring our own that is inhabited by monsters. They are aware of pur own world as our own fears created the first monsters, but its a big secret to anyone in our demension aside from a select few. Despite originating from fear, Monsters are not inheritly evil and their world is basically just a cooler spookier version of ours. Most citizens are born monsters but plenty of ghosts/vampires/zombies etc used to be human and brought over to keep them safe from humans. Monsters adore human pop culture btw. Monsterverse is just a place holder name

chatacter basics~so u dont have to read his whole backstory 

Kevin used to live in Wisconsin and got caught in a minor zombie outbreak and is having a hard time adjusting to mosnter life

Kevin is a very sarcastic guy and shows his love with insults or friendly arguing that might seem seem mean to those who dont know him(this is why he never had many friends growing up)

Hes a big gamer, and actually good at it(and very competitive) and also a major shut in, usually found in his and SlimeBoys room(they share a flat) 

He has a deep fear that he will suddenly loose his sentience abd become like the dead eyed zombies that attacked him


💜Sour candies💜(sour worms especially), competitive videogames, metal and emo music, sushi, Black, Purple, comfy clothes


Most high effort things, hot weather, commitment(exluding relationships), crowds, having to eat raw meat(exluding sushi)

zombie biology

There actually quite a few strains of the zombie virus that pop up tome and time again. Monsterverse government has a team dedicated to quickly and quietly wiping out zombie outbreaks in the human demnsion but humans seem to just keep creating it by accident.

Kevin has the Viloet variety, named for the purple hue its victims flesh take after infection. Cioket Zombies can expect for their hair to completley stop producing pigemtn and over time will have completely white hair. Violet Virus victims actually have to be treated extremely quickly before their brain starts to decay. With treatment, zombies will have complete sentince and no personality changes unlike the Macaw variety that has major impacts on previous intellegence and memeory loss. Howerver like anyother form of zombie, Vileot variety patients should expect to live with cronic pain, mostly caused from weakened joints and can be worsened by heat. 

 No zombie requires human flesh to live but any uncooked meat should do the trick. Zombies are able to eat all the foods they were used to in their previous life but it will not provide the nutrients they rlly need and is more akin to junk food.

Kevin gets around this with sushi as he wants to feel as human as possible and is actually pretty malnourished as he refuses to eat most raw meats unless you can find a way to present it as something more familiar, like soem red meat on top of a pizza or mized into something else. He also hates seeing himself loose his natural black hair and is very distressed by how little of his old self he can recognise in the mirror.

important deisgn details~

For anyone drawing him, please take note that the darker exposed flesh on his nevk and face are not optional(unless drawing him as human) and his middle finger on his right hand had to be replaced with one of a bluer hugh. Its usualy covered but there is also visable stitching on his upper right arm where they had to reattach it.

His right eye that is sometimes hidden begind his hair has a clouded white iris and no pupil.

Kevin also has noticiable eye bags

You have full choice on how much of his hair is white, even all white if it floats your boat ^<^

You dont have to draw him in his base outfit at all and if you would like to give him differemt clothes, i suggest something comfy and he has alot of game related shirt as well as a few bands(as mentioned in likes he is a fan of metal and emo), otherwise he has a more alt style if he feels like he can put in the effort.

Gonna put some more basic info here so ppl.dont have to read thru his whole fuckin backstory.:,-)

Im at work rn so ill have to finsih typing l82


Kevin grew up in Wisonsin and lived a pretty normal life for the most part. Nothing too drastic changed for him when his parentss divorced either.

He didnt have anythign particularly good going for him tho. No lasting friendships other than his childhood friend(which would later end very messily after he felt pressured into asking her out despite having no real feelings. He had known her all his life, just felt like the thing to do, his mom had always treated them like a couple anyways). 

  Not really knowing what he would want to do with his life he decided to move in with his dad in Canada to avoid his mom constantly getting on him about College and a easy way to end his relationship with his gf. 

 His dad lived in a big research facility that hosted a bunch of other scientists working on medical research. Veryy secluded from other towns and gaving no other people Kevin's age. He spent all his time holed up in his room gaming(not very different then life before)

 Kevin got all his social interaction thru online competitive gaming and is actually rlly good at it. Otherwise tuning into streams and participating in the chat.

 One day Kevin tuned into a stream with a pretty cocky streamer that was kind of pissing him off. The two would end up exhanging quite a few insults at eachother and while it might have started as a more genuine mean spirit, they would eventually do this for fun. He came onto his streams just to bully him. Wventually the two would actually face off against eachother in some games and before they knew it they were chatting reguarly and even voice calling almost evry day.