Brian Merriweather



2 years, 2 days ago


Full Name: CASTMODIUS THE WISE (Brian Merriweather) 

Gender: Cis Male????

Age: 20

Height: 5'7

Sexuality: He's '''''''straight'''''

Occupation: GRAND HIGH WIZARD (Mage)

Personality: Brian is a rather insufferable man. He's one of those people who hasn't ever left his edgy anime phase from when he discovered Death Note at age 13, and hasn't changed since. He always has a bored or pissed off looking expression. He's very moody and will always complain if he has to do something he doesn't want to do. 

- His eyesight is terrible because he wears colour contacts (his right red, and left yellow)

- His hair is naturally wavy blonde and natural brown eyes, it takes him like 2 hours to get ready every morning
- He has MAJOR egg energy if you get what I mean