Princess Celusion



1 year, 11 months ago


(she/her) Princess Celusion, the One and Only of Her Name. There is no equal in power and purity. To live in her Wish Kingdom is to accept a gift most incredible... Or so she says.

The swan princess has no known life before becoming royalty - but also no family and no origin. Her Wish Stone allows her to rewrite reality once a day, and Celusion does that and then some, creating a kingdom of beauty, purity and goodness, within her rather childish vision of the world. All that live there - or were bewitched into going there - live chosen adventures and romance for her own entertainment, and all enemies are brutes that envy her incredible world, to be dealt with accordingly.

Loves fancy clothes, pastel colors, praise and beauty. Hates spikes, cold skin, large teeth, claws, and anything that's stereotypically evil or dangerous-looking.

Her days consist of grand audiences, lovely balls, enormous banquets, and utterly destroying armies of evil that weren't there the day before, ensuring peace without ever dirtying her many dresses. Possibly asexual and has shown no romantic interest for anyone, though that doesn't stop her from magically pairing any two people that "look cute together".

Only one person ever escaped from the Wish Kingdom, using the same stone to leave that world forever. A cyan dragon that could take on a beautiful form, some say. Her name must never be spoken within its walls, or one might see the definition of "pure" and "good" being stretched to horrifying purposes.