


1 year, 11 months ago


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Name: Sootwind

Future Names: N/A

Age: 25 moons

Gender/Pronouns: Cis Male; (he/they)

Clan: Lightclan

Rank: Warrior(to-be monarch)

Orientation: Homosexual, Polyamorous

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Family Info

 Parents: N/A

 Siblings: Mouseskip(sister), Flickerflight(sibling)

 Mate: N/A

 Kits: N/A

 Other: N/A

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 RP Information

Sootwind was born alongside his two siblings, Mouseskip and Flickerflight. Unlike Mouseskip, Sootwind had been the healthiest and largest of the three born. Being born in a much safer condition, the tom quickly learned to not worry over his own matters, and instead prioritized helping his siblings, more prominently, Mouseskip. The trio stuck together for most of their early life, not much else happening for Sootwind by that point. He expressed a very minor interest in birdwatching then, however that quickly got forgotten as more and more expectations were placed onto them. Cypresshorn had been the more persistent of the parents about Sootwind’s place as a brother, and they started to take more and more after his inexpressiveness. Now, sometimes Flickerflight jokes that Sootwind got dad’s rigidness and face, to which Sootwind obviously denies.

Although never rude, Sootwind always felt a little bit standoffish around his clanmates, and would generally avoid social interactions. His mentor was a quick-witted, middle-aged shecat named Mahoganybranch who trained him expertly in fighting. Her training helped them better protect the cats he loved, but she had been an intense shecat. Her training constantly took countless hours, leaving Sootwind(then Sootpaw) even more isolated than he already was. As a young, impressionable cat, he saw this as the norm. Work until you could not, then find the energy to work a little bit more, and only then could you relax. Sootwind originally didn't have doubts when fighting against other clan cats or rouges, for they’d simply tell themselves they were protecting their family. This ideology emerged especially from Mahoganybranch, who was rumored to have gone to rogue groups just to spar. This was never proven true or false, for the shecat passed a few moons after finishing Sootwind’s training due to a bad infection. 

Now a newly-named warrior, Sootwind had found himself a routine within the clan. This mostly consisted of patrols and self-hunting, as well as keeping in touch with his direct family. However since they were a little more distant from their family, they were adamant in their work. He constantly provided all he could for Shineclan, however with few cats they actually chatted with normally, life became dull. He tried to befriend some of the cats, but this never went beyond acquaintances or anything. He didn't know how to make it anything more. Then, ten moons after receiving his name, a discovery was made whilst on a patrol. He had been checking the border away from the group when a sickeningly strong odor flooded his senses. The source of this was discovered instantly, a tiny, yet sickly rogue kit. The child had been just a moon old by this point, and Sootwind felt something inside tell him to bring them back. And so he did. Returning to camp with the tiny ball of skin and bones, they have thus stayed predominantly in the nursery. Realizing life in the nursery was far more rewarding than being a warrior ever was, he started to plan on asking Lurkingstar about a permanent shift to the nursery. This is mostly so he can keep a better watch on the new kit, who he has basically adopted by this point. Now watching over a rogue kit, Sootwind is unsure if he could fight the same way he once did. He's been more upbeat recently as a result, and a nice way of positivity has been flowing through their veins ever since.

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 Appearance: Sootwind is an entirely dark grey tortie with a signature orange flame on his muzzle, and their eyes are a dark orange hue. (he/they)

 Personality: As of late, the greatest way to describe Sootwind would be motivated, yet protective and secluded. Recently visiting the nursery times on countless occasions, he's been entirely dedicated to the raising and nurturing of Cosmoskit. Otherwise though, Sootwind could be perceived as a gentle giant. He certainly has the strength to prove so, and he is inherently kind-hearted. He is somewhat shy, however forced himself to just deal with it, thinking back to when his father would complain about the lack of social skill Sootwind held. They enjoy relaxation way more than excitement, and wouldn't mind a simplistic life. Although he is quite the soft-hearted cat, his presentation of himself makes him appear to be far more aggressive. His face, although he’s tried to fix it, constantly makes Sootwind look like they’re either peeved or irritated. His posture is no better, almost constantly in a slight arch, it looks as though they’re on the verge of hissing.

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