Cardamon Suite



1 year, 11 months ago


A FUNKY LITTLE GUY!!!! She follows TBN - Bird Mask around and bugs them all the time and is so annoying and literally has no motive beyond Be As Irritating As Possible To As Many People As Possible and i LOVE that for it also she's like. 2 or 3 feet tall it's Tiny

Story: Fantasy Story
Age: ???
Height: 2'6
Gender: Jester
Pronouns: she/her - it/its
Main Theme: I'll Forgive You Even If You Die by Kikuo (captions necessary)
Fantasy Story Toyhouse folder

Cardamon belongs to every kingdom at once, giving her free reign to torment anyone who catches her eye. She never stays in one place long, always searching for someone who she finds interesting. When she sticks with someone, she follows them constantly, antagonizing them until they finally get fed up and snap at her, after which she leaves to find someone else to bother.

She finally found a permanent friend in Xena, someone who never snaps at her and always lets her hang around, even though they clearly despise her presence. They are endlessly fascinating to her, and she's tried time and time again to figure out what she could do that could finally get Xena to break.

It turns out the only thing she needed to do this entire time was die. Cardamon was friends with Xena in other timelines, ones that always end in her death to the point where Xena drove themself to their breaking point trying to find a single timeline where they could save her. They always fail.

Cardamon doesn't find out about any of this until Xena finally admits that they know she's about to die, and there's not a single thing they could have done to prevent it. She feels betrayed, terrified, and yet she can't blame them. She's always had so much fun with them, she can't imagine them dying any more than she can imagine the amount of pain and suffering Xena has put the universe through just to save Her. It is not in her nature to forgive. Xena always watches her die with her eyes full of hatred and loathing for them. For not telling her sooner. For continuing to destroy her in an effort to save her.

She also went to clown school and is a licensed Jester, often invited to the parties of Kingdoms to provide the entertainment. It's her favorite pastime.