
2 years, 2 months ago


Deuro is a basilisk who is the last remaining member of the Animus  Order. The Animus Order protected the world from evil spirits and the  like. Their last job was to contain the evil dragon spirit Nova.

Unfortunately the entire order, except for Deuro, lost their lives while  trying to contain them. Deuro managed to use his own magic as well as  the magic of his fallen comrades to give Nova physical form. It was the  threat that his petrifying gaze presented to Nova's now physical form  that kept him alive. Deuro honored his fallen friends by petrifying them  and placing them in the order's home.

Unless alone he's typically wears a blindfold in order to prevent  accidentally petrifying others with his gaze. As such he's gotten very  good as getting around using his other senses, mainly hearing and smell.  Before joining the Animus Order he was not treated well because people  were scared he would accidentally, or purposefully, petrify them.

With the order he opened up and was quite the friendly person. Though after their deaths he became withdrawn and quiet.

He is also a prolific magic user. Typically he uses spores produced from his tail to help cast his spells.