


1 year, 11 months ago


Another adopt that I had gotten from Miyathegoldenflower on Deviant Art. I love bluebells, they are one of my favorite flowers. Along with other ones, like tulips, daffodils, and irises. The Timberwolves of MLP: FiM are interesting, but also rather complicated. They are basically walking piles of wood and debris. They can be blown apart and will reform, but apparently are a big threat to the Ponies and other residential species of Equestria? Like apparently a pack of them killed Applejack's parents. Why? Maybe it is a territorial thing since Ponies do invade their territory all willy-nilly. I suppose one benefit of killing an intruder is that their bodies will decompose and put nutrients back in the soil, but that sounds like a lot of trouble. 

I feel like Timberwolves feed not on flesh, but on either life energy or magic (the latter fuels their own magic which allows one to reform after its body is destroyed). But still, you don't really need to kill the target in order to do this. Look at Tirek, he drained the ponies of their magic but left them alive. I just don't get why they are living piles of junk, they don't have blood or organs...they are alike, but not's kind of frustrating. 

Timberwolves are part of the canine family and are distant cousins to Dog Folk and Diamond Dogs. How and why they evolved to be this way is a question that still baffles the experts to this day. Timberwolves are a kind of vampire. Instead of feeding on blood, they instead will drain the life force of Ponies and other creatures. Fatal attacks are fairly rare, as a Timberwolf will often attack to defend their home and family. What tends to kill is not the claws and fangs of the Timberwolf, it is the pollen that resides in the vegetation growing on the wolf's body. This can cling to fur and scales and gradually begins to drain the victim even when miles away from the wolf it came from. This is what killed Applejack's parents. Bright Mac and Pear Butter were injured from their encounter, but the wolf got its pollen on the couple and soon drained them both of what life they had left. Most Timberwolves look the same, which can make it hard to study them unless you have been with them long enough to notice the little details. But sometimes you get a wolf who is different from the norm. These ones grow flowers (and sometimes even berries). The belief is that this helps them be more efficient hunters. Because they can blend into something that will surely draw in an unwary soul.

  • Shimmering Blueberry Bells
  • This wolf is a female. She is made of a light kind of wood that is quite supple and allows her to run and move easily. Male Timberwolves tend to use trees that are more sturdy, which makes them harder to take down, but also somewhat slower. In a hunt, the females lead the charge while the males will help bring down the target.
  • Blythe is a bit of a controversy. Her parents were brought to Canterlot to reintroduce the wolf (MLP Great Britain), but this decision was met with outcry. The pair of wolves escaped their enclosure and vanished into the wilderness. Two years later, reports of a Timberwolf come in. But the experts were skeptical. This wolf was said to be blue, which is impossible...until they found her out and about. Not wanting the beautiful creature to be destroyed, but also needing to to heed the concerns of her people, Princess Celestia has the wolf captured and builds a menagergie for her. A male Timberwolf is later brought in to be her mate.