Eirene Straiker (Red Queen Eirene)



 Nightmare in Dreamland Event


Eirene Straiker has been dubbed the role of The Red queen

Thrown into a world that is nothing like your own, your memory has been erased and replaced with another’s. Your personality is kept intact.
You only know of what is specified below to be who you are:

Role: You are the Red Queen.

Character description: The Red Queen plays the darker half of the chessboard, but that doesn’t make her foul or gruesome. She cares a great deal about manners, doing the right thing and always making a good impression.
She enjoys taking walks in Dreamland, inspecting the area and the people around her. She knows little about the kingdom ruled by the ‘Queen of Hearts’, but knows every little part of the one behind the looking glass, which is divided between her and the white queen.
The White Queen and her work together to rule their part of Dreamland, in a cooperative and good way, but it is only professional as they are not very fond of each other. 

Other specifics: The Queen is purely dressed in Red, but she is missing her crown.
You have been given enhanced speed as her skill, making you double as fast as anyone else in Wonderland.