


1 year, 11 months ago



Name Maeve Ellisson
Called Maeve, Mae
Age 21
Gender female, she/her
Race human (pokemon ranger)
Sexuality lesbian
Alignment neutral good
Theme Song link

Maeve can be surprisingly strong-willed and stubborn: once something is in her head, it’s hard to convince her otherwise. She’s very much one to act on her instincts rather than carefully calculating a situation. You'll often find her in the company of her beloved bidoof, Bibi who enjoys going on bike rides with her across the countryside. It doesn't take more than a glance to see how strong the bond that Bibi and Maeve share truly is. The companionship that Bibi brings is a massive source of comfort to Maeve and she's rarely ever seen without him. They've been at each other's side for a long while: Maeve met Bidoof at around 9 years old after narrowly escaping the mine collapse and finding herself lost in the woods. The shiny Bidoof was the one to approach her, sensing her distress and never once left her side. Being a creative child, Bidoof was aptly named Beaver, affectionately nicknamed Bibi ever since. Bibi loves to insist that he needs to be carried everywhere. But who can really resist such a sweetie?


  • bibi
  • bike rides
  • content
  • content


  • heights
  • caves (major phobia)
  • content
  • content


The second-born in the Ellisson family, twin to Lexi and sister to older brother Cian. Maeve is Galarian and grew up on a modest, small farm in Galar with her parents and siblings. You'll often find her in the company of her beloved bidoof, Bibi who enjoys going on bike rides with her across the countryside. It doesn't take more than a glance to see how strong the bond that Bibi and Maeve share truly is. The companionship that Bibi brings is a massive source of comfort to Maeve and she's rarely ever seen without him. They've been at each other's side for a long while: Maeve met Bidoof at around 9 years old after narrowly escaping the mine collapse and finding herself lost in the woods. The shiny Bidoof was the one to approach her, sensing her distress and never once left her side. Being a creative child, Bidoof was aptly named Beaver, affectionately nicknamed Bibi ever since. Bibi loves to insist that he needs to be carried everywhere. But who can really resist such a sweetie?


Maeve can be surprisingly strong-willed and stubborn: once something is in her head, it’s hard to convince her otherwise. She’s very much one to act on her instincts rather than carefully calculating a situation. Naturally, Maeve took a strong hit to her mental health once her father died. She retreated into herself and got into the habit of isolating when she finds things difficult. She can be remarkably harsh at times without even noticing it on most occasions due to this - as soon as someone reaches out to her, she shuts them down. And if they insist further, Maeve often lashes out and gives them a good reason to leave her. Cian often bears the brunt of this, yet he still persists. He doesn’t ever want to give up on her, but he’s running out of ideas. He’s seen how much happier Maeve is around Emmy and really hopes that she can help. Despite this, Maeve truly is a kind person deep down at heart. She just would very much rather help someone with their problems than face her own and would go to great lengths to ensure she’s done all she can to assist.


Maeve grew up in Galar with her Mum, Dad, twin sister Lexi and elder brother Cian. She grew up closest to her Papa; though due to his job as a miner, it wasn’t often where he got to spend a lot of time at home. Maeve cherished every moment they had together. She was a relatively happy child throughout her childhood before the incident - often spending her time outdoors helping around the farmland and playing with her brother. She explored often and used her love for drawing to illustrate the pokemon and landscapes she met on the way. Maeve was sent to boarding school a couple of years after her father died. She wasn’t keen on the idea. Her brother didn’t have to go, so why did she? If anything, it felt like more of an attempt to get rid of her, almost as if her mother couldn’t bear to see her after the accident. Of course, this wasn’t really the truth, but Maeve’s mind has always had a knack for twisting things and blowing them out of proportion. Her father sadly died in a mining accident - in which Maeve was present. She was only 9 or so at the time and it's something that has deeply traumatised her to this day. Maeve was the only survivor, yet deep in her grief, that's where she found Bibi. Or rather, Bibi found her.



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