Tatsuya Yanagawa



6 years, 8 months ago


This is Tatsuya!

He plays rhythm guitar but also lead sometimes but ALso als o he makes his own music as an underground producer
                                                            ABOUT TATSUYA 

 Name:  Tatsuya Yanagawa
 Meaning:  "All the more dragon" or "Dragon man" -> Common surname
 Gender:  Male
 Species:  Human
 Age:  26
 Role:  Rhythm guitar
 D.O.B.:  September 28
 Height: 5'9" (175 cm)
 Weight: 157 lbs. (71 kg)
 Zodiac:  Libra
 Personality:  Tatsuya himself is the most emotionally stable of the band at first glance, but struggles to lead a normal life with five other personalities vying for control of his body.
 Likes:  Playing guitar, tea, orange chicken, watching wrestling, dancing
 Dislikes:  Having conflict with his alters, his unreliable memory, not being a singular entity
 Strengths:  Guitar, charisma and mystery, keeping everyone grounded and calm
 Weaknesses:  Weak lungs, sometimes too hard to figure out, his alters complicate his life

 Bio:  [Trigger warning for discussion of DID and abuse] Tatsuya was born to loving parents, only to lose them just before he turned four.  He moved into his aunt and uncle's house, where he began experiencing repetitive physical and sexual abuse.  The abuse was so overwhelming that Tatsuya fragmented, and his alternate personalities began to develop.  Takuji was formed first, becoming Tatsuya's protector and trying to raise him properly.  On occasion, Takuji would get Tatsuya in trouble if he fronted by using foul language or making threats.  Once, when Tatsuya was too afraid to confess his abuse to a family friend, Takuji switched and gave them all the trauma details.  Tatsuya found himself unable to forgive Takuji for a while as he thought that he'd done something wrong.  However, he learned that the abuse he experienced was not love and that Takuji was only protecting him.  Over time, several more alters introduced themselves, Mitsuru existing in the headspace and being another voice of reason to Tatsuya, and Kaworu, who came when Tatsuya began adolescence.  Another alter was introduced, Akihiko, who began fronting when Tatsuya was 17.  Between Kaworu coming into existence and Akihiko fronting, Tatsuya had taken up learning guitar, and Akihiko retained knowledge of guitar when he came out of the inner world.  Akihiko began looking for bands to play in after Tatsuya completed high school, and found a band of slightly older men.  The singer pressured Akihiko into a sexual relationship, which Akihiko knew was wrong, but also knew he could never speak up against it.  As time went on, the other members of the band began abusing Akihiko as they pleased, adding to his trauma.  Akihiko couldn't switch to someone else, and was stuck in the body for several months until Tatsuya switched back in.  When Tatsuya realized the situation, he took what he could and ran away.  Tatsuya was in control for a period of time, but he was forever scarred by what the band did, and was reminded of his past trauma at the hands of his family.  This resulted in the formation of Shizuka, a female alter.  At the time, her self worth was dictated by sex and prostitution.  She hated the body when she first emerged, as she had to endure sexual encounters in a male host body.  Shizuka had a long stint in the body until other alters took over to protect Tatsuya.  Tatsuya rotated with his other alters until Tatsuya gained control from the time he was 22 to the time December Arrest was formed.  Tatsuya found solidarity in the other band members, and easily befriended Saito.  When Miyuki came along, he was fascinated with how the band changed and adapted.  When the five members, himself included, were living together, Tatsuya had no idea there was a name for his condition, as mental illness is rarely openly discussed in Japan.  His memory lapses and lack of communication between the alters also attributed to him not realizing sooner.  Takuji finally fronted to the members and introduced himself to the band, although coming off a bit cold and hostile.  Other alters fronted to show themselves, prompting the band to do research.  Tatsuya agreed to talk to a therapist, and after many tests, it was confirmed that he has Dissociative Identity Disorder.  He and his alters communicate to the therapist, and more is revealed to Tatsuya about himself that he'd never think he'd know.  After learning of his diagnosis, Tatsuya was public with his condition, following in the steps of Saito openly talking about his Bipolar Disorder.  Currently, Tatsuya debates living with his alters for the rest of his life or integrating them completely.  His alters often disagree about romantic partners, as is the case with Takuji being in denial about his homosexuality, and Tatsuya going after fat women.  Tatsuya enters a relationship with a girl named Hesira, who comes from the same planet Miyuki is from.  She's everything Tatsuya wants, and does her best to understand his condition despite being an alien to mental illnesses.  

 Fun facts:  He secretly is famous in the underground music community, he only takes off his mask to sleep unless he's with friends, he is an ISFP, his enneagram is 6, Loyalist, his element would be earth, and he smells like the moonlight path stuff from Bath and Body Works.