Basic Info


King Chimera


Male with a female tail


Anti-magic Chimera


King of the Monsters

Ultimate Power:

Can turn victims to stone




Meet the Monster King. King Chimera. True name is only given to those closest to him. The strongest known monster in the world. While not the largest monster nor the monster with the biggest strength he has one power that no other monster possesses. The power to absorb magic. He is unaffected by the effects of magic and thus has gained an ability to absorb magic to power up his own. He was kept this title of Monster King for years ever since he took down the previous Monster King who was a Dragon. His tail has a mind of it's own and identifies itself as female. His most devastating power is that he can channel her magic with his to give him the ability to turn a foe he sees to Stone. Those that have made an attempt to overthrow him and failed have become statues in his courtyard. He is one of the soul reasons that despite the humans having earned a lot of power that they haven't overthrown the monsters yet. Hail to the king baby.