Salty's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

marurei Global Rules
All my designs sold will only follow LEGAL copyright rules, once youve bought the design its yours to do what you wish with. Please contact me directly if there are any questions or concerns, If not, then these are some of the rights my designs are sold with; You have the right to: - Resell at any price, gift, trade, or throw away the design. - Add a story to or change the design of the character. - Genderbend, Racebend, culturebend, agebend, create AUs, etc. - Use in any kind of personal projects - make gore/nsfw/etc of the character. If you want to use the character for commercial use, such as to sell merchandise of, use in a for-profit game or book, etc, please contact me directly so I can officially hand over commercial use rights. Im reasonably fair and will only charge a small, inconsequential fee just to allow the character to be used as needed legally. Im very forgiving, so if you want to do something else to the character that I havent listed here, im likely not going to mind at all. If you bought the character, please use the character as you deem necessary. Please do not use the character publically before purchase.