Rizzen The Cruel



1 year, 11 months ago



Physical Strength: 5.2

Special Strength:  9.5

Defense: 4

Special Defense: 6

Intelligence: 7

Cooperation: 6

Agility: 5

Morality: 7

Threat Level: 6.1

Inspired songs

Cala Marias Song//Male cover

Height- 70”0 FEET 😟 can change his height to whatever but his default height is 70”0 feet👺

Rizzen is a genie that has taken the side of the villains. Even though he’s powerful, his threat level is low because it’s quite easy to trap him with his magic lamp by chanting “Oh Rizzen! You shall no longer rise and return to your very cage!”

Rizzen was in the old ancient times and was worshipped by the citizens of the town and even built him a temple until years later a wave of water took him out of the small island after the temple broke due to a hurricane and washed him up to a beach near the city centuries later. He eventually went to a cave and broke many trees and rocks to relieve stress and still does to this day.

He can see a great city view and decided to make his new temple area which was quite easy because bro can just snap his fingers and boom new temple.

He keeps all of his treasure and jewels in his temple and NEVER goes to villain meetings, but if the villains need him, they have to go to the temple themselves to talk to him. Absolutely LOVES rubies.

Is oddly scared that people could recognize him due to his existence told in history books for some reason. He doesn’t want school kids to see him and start bugging him if they can make a wish.

Also bro those man boobs and ass😨

Hates Captain Gabriel Soto due to him madly in love with Rizzen and constantly visiting his cave giving Rizzen almost no privacy. Rizzen gets extremely angry due to him later on actually developing feelings for Gabriel but doesn’t want to admit it.

His powers and abilities

  • Can do stuff easily with just the snap of his fingers but nothing super crazy
  • Can transform into a human to look a bit normal yet he still looks recognizable(when he’s in human form his height turns into 5’5)
  • Ability to fly as his genie self & human self