Sapphire [ FFVII ]'s Comments

Man, I like your take on sapphire weapon!

I was actually kinda upset when it got destroyed in my first playthrough of FFVII because I was hyped to fight it 

(Had fun getting my @#$ kicked by emerald weapon and ruby weapon later though lol)

Thank you !

It really does feel like wasted potential. Especially with the context of us hearing of how powerful the WEAPONs are, and the first one immediately gets its head blown off without us having a chance to attempt fighting it. FFXIV did a bit more, but it wasn't the same because it's not /the/ Sapphire Weapon from FFVII... The least I can do is have hope for the Retelling LOL

Maybe we'll actually get to fight in remake part II/Reborn or whatever the @#$% they're calling it!