Isaac (Isaac ⭐⭐)



1 year, 6 months ago


• Extremely hot-headed, gets annoyed pretty easy. Not a bad person, just very rough.
• Happy to get into a fight and confront people. Loves martial arts and fighting overall; he does MMA.
• Spends most of his free time training his body however.
• Knows how to use a bo-staff.
• 0 brains all brawn. loves food.

Design Notes
• Young adult (~18~early 20s)
• Black eyebrows.
• Slightly pointy ears. NOT elf ears, just sharper than usual (natural, stahl's ear)
• Body type: developed with broad shoulders and muscles normally hidden by looser clothing. Rectangular body shape.
• Has more feminine, but tired, eyes.
• Face is supposed to be more 'pretty' / androgynous.
• Wears tracksuits often. Otherwise also wears loose outerwear with darker base colors inspired by Japanese fashion (ex: sukajan / kimonos) and sometimes a gi.
• Hair can be drawn down if wanted! There's a sketchy example included.
• The gradient can be a simple, regular gradient. I just personally like to blend it imperfectly because it's easier for me.

Expression Ideas
• Neutral, somewhat disinterested
• Annoyed or pissed off
• Never 'too' happy / excited, a small calm smile at most.

• Pokemon: You can draw him with any Bug-type or Fighting-type Pokemon from Gen 8 and below! He loves them all!