Professor Nouveau



1 year, 10 months ago


age 27 present day
Prof. Nouveau
aliases:  prof. nano nouveau
gender:   femme non-binary — they/them
orientation:  lesbian aromantic
born:  3/6, location unknown
occupation:  roboticist, prosthetics specialist
residence:  Nouveau Labs, uptown
height:  6'4"
favorite thing: working through the night
lunch of choice:  pop tarts
etc:  song


Professor Nouveau is a self-taught roboticist, with an interest in childhood having turned into a necessary tool for getting by once their family could no longer afford the help they needed. Nowadays, they tend to themselves, building robots and mechanisms to automate the hard work out.

They're a known name amongst local educators, and they offer their services from time to time. Their advances in the field have gotten them a fair amount of financial support, which keeps them well afloat. They're known to help those in need, simply because they've asked.

Despite the weary look, they are good intentioned at heart. However, in their loneliness, they've grown frustrated with that which is out of our control, impacting the lives of otherwise good natured people unfairly. Having to deal with it so frequently, it's begun impacting their work, leading them down paths otherwise unexpected of someone of their field.

The Planet's Tears are certainly intriguing. Though, they seem interested in them for reasons very different from everyone else's...

Classified info

Nouveau has spent countless hours researching the potential of the Planet's Tears and their link to Creation. They have already begun experimenting on all sorts of things with the Planet's Tears as the primary focus- leading way to countless monsters and abominations affectionately known as Nightmares

While they've not had a successful experiment yet, they feel they're right on the edge of something big. Just one piece missing from unraveling it all...

Lives together. Mainly helps with experiments when asked, spends most of the time away. Might be more useful in the near future.