rei's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

ellelolell Global Rules

my design tos!

you are free to:
- edit/frankenstein/tear apart my designs as long as i still maintain credits & original design is still in gallery!

- make alt colouring: editing my art with filters is fine

- take SLIGHT inspiration lol i dont own certain features

- delete the character off this website (lmk first!!!!!)

- gift, sell, trade. only sell for extra money if there are art added on.

- make nsfw art. if you do problematic shit with it just make sure nobody else sees it- i can't help what you do in secret

you are NOT free to:
- remove my credits
- sell for more than i sold it to you for unless it contains additional art

i don't have a blacklist! let's keep it that way.