Solaris (Tomoyoki)



2 years, 2 months ago



Solaris Starscale

[ LVL. 15 ] Wizard
Solaris Starscale
Wandering Wizard


Solaris is a dragonborn tomoyoki who was born from a family of gifted mages, who took up adventuring as soon as he was old enough to leave the nest. He's a optimistic fellow with a love for helping others, and a want to solve every issue and fight every bad guy out there. With his vast array of magic, his knowledge of alchemy, and his optimistic attitude, Solaris had little issues helping others, until that fateful day came...

Solaris was like any other adventurer, he would loot treasures that he believed were well earned, especially after clearing a room full of giant tomoyoki eating scorpions, that was the day he found the artifact. A star shaped gemstone on a pedestal, reflecting moonlight around the room, weaving a web of little glistening stars on every wall. Of course, Solaris collected this little gem immediately. Upon fastening it to his robe, he felt a sudden surge of energy, and fainted on the spot. He was found soon after by a roaming guard patrol, and was transported safely to an inn. As soon as he woke up, he took off to the local library to study his new treasure. Through his research he learned the artifacts name, a gem known as The Comet's Tear, it's believed to enhance one's elemental power depending on if it's day or night. Using the new power of his gem, Solaris took up the newest bounty to test it's power, and that was the day an entire grove of werebears and a decent sum of the forest were reduced to charred crater. Since that day, Solaris has been unable to disable the effects of his gemstone, but he was able to complete a lost ritual to summon forth a creature held within the gem, a little flame like creature that he's named Helios. Despite his massively destructive tendencies, he still strives to help others, even if he keeps getting arrested for his "help".

"Another new day, another new adventure to be had!"


Solaris' combat style utilizes a mix of various elements of magic, his skills with alchemy, and his familiar, Helios, to deliver powerful (yet mana heavy) spells. He prefers long distance magic combat due to the nature of his magic. He seems to be unable to turn the effects of his magic artifact off, causing all his magic to be massively amplified.


Helios (summon familiar)

Solaris can summon his tomopet familiar, Helios, at any point through a short ritual. Helios is able to deliver spells cast by Solaris, allowing Solaris to safely cast closed range spells from a distance. Solaris can see through Helios' eyes at will. If damaged, Helios can regenerate once the summoning ritual is cast again. Helios enjoys hot days and eating charcoal.

Comet's tear (legendary artifact)

A legendary star-shaped gemstone, located on the front of his robe. The gemstone enhances Solaris' power based on the time. During the day all of Solaris' fire aspect spells are amplified, with the flames burning hotter or becoming explosive. During the night all of his ice aspect spells are more effective, reaching subzero temperatures or creating crystal like formations. These enhanced spells take tremendous amounts of mana however.



Solaris is a highly optimistic and determined adventurer, who strives to help others no matter what! His favorite type of magic is fire, which when combined with his inability to turn off his gemstone's power, causes a lot of issues, although he seems very happy about his powers!

Determined | Optimistic | Pyromaniac

Even though several towns turn down his assistance, he still stays determined to help out anyone and everyone, and is on a personal quest to fight every big evil guy out there. And he's going to do so with his best friend Helios by his side, maybe they'll even get a cool statue some day!

90 LBS

Design Notes

  • Rare Face Containers
  • Rare Hazardous Filling
  • Rare Glowing Filling
  • Rare Gasses in Filling
  • Rare Three Separate Fillings
  • Rare Closed Off Containers
  • Uncommon Body Containers
  • Uncommon Wing Containers
  • Rest is common


  • Helios! :3
  • Fresh mutton!
  • Things that go BOOM!!


  • Big bad evil guys
  • Close combat
  • Running out of mana


  • His gemstone seems to be cursed, forcing it to always be enabled, which causes his enhanced spells to quickly drain mana.
  • He greatly cares for Helios, and can often be found feeding him charcoal and giving him pats despite his flaming body, Solaris seems to be the only one able to do this safely.
  • He can speak and read draconic, sylvan, and undercommon, he's been also known to speak an unknown language to Helios.
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