
1 year, 11 months ago


Bio is very much a WIP

Chie Aoki • Domestic yak • Transgender woman (she/her) • 52 years old (May 6th, 1973)

Chie is a high school history teacher. She is married to Alfred Stephens and Clay Wilder, and is the biological mother of Erika and Sora.

Chie considers herself a Christian, but does not attended church regularly. She is also very close with Tabbi's mother Selam. Chie has babysat Tabbi many times over, so the two are fairly close.

Chie is very empathetic and emotionally in tune to those around her, but often to a fault. She is easily stressed during arguments, empathizing with both parties and fearful of hurting anyone. As a result, Chie tries her best to avoid conflict, often ignoring her own emotions in favor of others'. A lot of her anxieties stem from her parents, who were quite overbearing and a tad overprotective, even if they were well-meaning. She has mixed feelings towards her parents, as although they become a lot more supportive and less overbearing over the years, the pain their actions left still hasn't quite faded...