


2 years, 2 months ago


24 (immortal)
Moon Goddess
Drawn By


Quiet • Feisty • Wise

Juniper has always been kind of a loner, always choosing to bury herself in her books about the different stars and galaxies rather than interacting with others. She’s a lot like Twilight Sparkle in that way. Because of this, she’s well versed in all lunar magic and has even trained in martial arts and swordplay on the off chance that her magic fails her. If all else fails, she’ll use her venom to incapacitate her attackers, especially if she’s protecting a fellow nuri or their cubs. But if you were lucky enough to become friends with her, you would notice that she also has a feisty and fun loving side that loves to have fun and pull harmless pranks on her unsuspecting friends. Her first ever friend was a snow white owl named Hedwig. Juniper loves to run, so will often go feral and run through the woods that surround her home, Hedwig flying overhead as she looks for food and water as well as any enemies that might be in the area.

Juniper is very protective of her family and her friends, especially if they’re other nuris, and will always do whatever she has to to protect them even if it means fighting to the death. She doesn’t take crap from anyone and is very blunt 100% of the time, always speaking her mind, even when you don’t want her to. She always stands her ground and never lets her emotions get the better of her. She’s actually very good at hiding her emotions and never shows fear when dealing with anyone who wishes to harm her or those she cares about. Juniper’s parents had always taught her to have courage and be kind, but sometimes, kindness isn’t an option depending on who she’s dealing with and will always tell them how it is or how it’s going to be if they stay on their present course of action.


  • Hot chocolate
  • The cold
  • Celestial type clothing
  • Purple with white or silver accents
  • Sweets and junk food


  • The heat
  • Negativity
  • Empty threats/threats in general
  • Mushrooms
  • Alcohol and the smell of smoke

"Follow your inner moonlight; don’t hide the madness..."


When Juniper was born, a burst of white light burst across the night sky, covering it for miles around, causing the moon and stars to burn brighter than they ever have before, a sign that Juniper was to be a goddess. But not just any goddess. When Juniper was of age and was ready to take on the responsibility of being a goddess, she would become the moon goddess, the most powerful of all the goddesses in the land. This made her parents both proud and terrified as they didn’t know what this would mean for their precious daughter, so they threw themselves into researching everything they could on the subject and hoped to be ready when they finally explained everything to Juniper on her 6th birthday. When that long awaited day came, they sat her down and explained everything that had happened on the night of her birth. Juniper was shocked that gods had chosen her to be the next moon goddess after the last one got corrupted and power hungry before she was defeated and banished after being stripped of her title and her magic a thousand years ago. Legends say that ever since then, the gods have been searching for a worthy replacement, someone that would upload their views, keep the world in balance and harmony, and protect them from the evil that lurks around every corner. Juniper thought she wasn’t worthy enough to be the moon goddess and thought that the gods had maybe made a mistake, but her parents reassured her by saying that the gods had chosen her for a reason, so Juniper vowed to do her hardest to make the gods and her parents proud, so she jumped into her studies and trained as hard as she could. When word got out that Juniper was chosen to be the new moon goddess, everyone was in awe, but most were happy for her and would often stop by, offering anything they could to aide her in her quest to be the best goddess in training that she could be. However, not everybody was happy about this and would often bully Juniper or her parents, claiming that her parents forced the gods to choose Juniper, not seeming to realize that no one could force the gods to do anything that they didn’t wanna do. A lot of the kids at school weren’t much better and would often tease and ridicule her, telling her that she wasn’t worthy to have such a high title and that the gods obviously made a mistake when they chose a simple commoner like her to be a goddess when there was way more qualified people they could’ve chosen, seeming to forget about the fact that Juniper’s parents were the leaders of their little village. It wasn’t until her parents got involved, threatening to have them removed from the village if they didn’t stop that they finally stopped, allowing Juniper to finish her studies in peace. Some of the nicer kids had tried to become friends with Juniper, but Juniper was too wrapped up in her lessons for friends, something that worried her parents a bit and would often try to get her to take a break and make some friends, which Juniper turned down every single time, saying that she had no time for friends if she wanted to be the goddess she could be. She also didn’t see the point in friends, claiming them to be a waste of time and energy. This thought later changed when she was 14 and met Hedwig for the first time. She had gone hunting in her feral form alone one night for the first time, usually going with her parents, when she had come across a nest that had fallen from one of the many trees in the woods behind her parent’s house. She brought it home and nursed it back to health before attempting to release it back into the woods only to find the owl’s parents dead the next day. After that, she decided to keep it and named it Hedwig, raising her as her own, something that pleased her parents to a degree, still wishing she would go out and make friends with kids her own age. They got their wish later when Juniper was 16 and made her first friend in junior year of high school when Juniper realized that they shared a love of stars and the desire to learn more about them. After that, Juniper’s circle of friends slowly began to grow till she had 6 people she could safely call her most trusted friends who had her back no matter what hardship Juniper faced. Some people still looked down at her from time to time but with her friends by her side, she was able to focus on her duties and all the positive things that lay ahead of her as she continued her training and her studies


• Has an hourglass body type with a 36C breast size and a bubble butt

• Has long black hair that’s shaved on the right side (screen left) and the shaved section is pink

• Her eyes are pink with black heart shaped pupils

• Has light gray fur that fades into pink around her elbows and knees with white paw tips and white husky face markings

• Her ears are three shades darker than the rest of her body with white inner fur

• Has a white torso that extends up her neck and ends under her chHas a white torso that extends up her neck and ends under her chin

• Has pink/purple tiger stripes that start around her elbows and knees and end at the white paw tips around her fingers and toes

• Her genitals are pink

• Her claws are silver, but are sometimes painted purple or black

• Has purple paw pads and a pink nose and tongue that’s the same shade as her genitals

• Her tail has a white stripe that runs underneath as well as a white tip

• Her jewelry is silver as are the charms on her neck and tail collars

• Has a white heart shaped marking on her butt

• Her tail comes from the Zynyran in her, her ears come from the Nygel in her, her colorful tiger stripes come from the Sumlian in her, and her tail feathers glow from the Torilin in her

• Her tail feathers are a pink/purple gradient and they glow

• Her jewelry consists of crescent moon industrial piercings with the moons replacing the balls on the ends as they face away from each other, two helix piercings under the industrial, two heart shaped studs in her ear lobes, and a heart shaped ear gauge in both ears. She also has a septum ring in her nose, a spikey ring in her right eyebrow (screen left), a snake bite on her bottom lip, crescent moon nipple rings, and a crescent moon belly button ring

• Has a crescent moon tattoo around her belly button and a moon goddess tattoo on her lower back just above her tail

• Wears a moon ring on her right index finger, a moon and star ring on right ring finger, moon ring on left middle finger, a bracelet on her right wrist, another bracelet on her left wrist, an anklet on her right ankle, as well as a black collar with pink heart shaped diamonds and a silver crescent moon charm around her tail, and a matching one around her neck


• Owns a black mustang with Goddess on the license plate

• Has a Snow White owl named Hedwig for a pet/companion

• Lives in a secluded mansion/cottage in the middle of the woods

• Binge watches Netflix while eating her favorite ice cream

• Is sometimes nocturnal, prefferring the moon’s company rather than the sun’s

• Loves to go for midnight swims in her backyard pool

• Her favorite brand of ice cream is breyers and Ben and Jerry’s

• Loves soda, coffee, and energy drinks

• Is somewhat of a neat freak

• Can sometimes be a drama queen while in heat

• Is afraid of spiders, but loves albino snakes

• Visits the spa once a month for much needed relaxation and pampering

• Loves to get her hair, makeup, and nails done for special occasions

• Loves to go stargazing

• Is a hopeless romantic

• Loves stories about the moon as well as love stories

• Has somewhat of a short temper, but tries to channel it through meditation

• Is obsessed with luxurious fashion and furniture, always wanting the softest and comfiest pieces available

• Is a lover of video games as well, but only games like Minecraft and animal crossing

• Loves to cook and bake for herself and her friends when she’s not hunting for food in her feral form

• Suffers from headaches and migraines every once in a while when she’s used her magic too much in a single day

• Hates being sick, but doesn’t get sick often

• Favorite colors are purple, silver, white, and black

• Prefers wine and champagne over alcohol

• Favorite cookies are macaroons




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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.