Lettuce (Lettuce C.)



6 months, 20 days ago


Full Name: 

Lachlan Collins








Female (Trans man without the whole change)






Transexual Male


Tightrope walker and performer 

Used to be an Exotic Dancer


Hard alcohol, His letlings, (Occasionally) dancing, pastries, Clubs, bars, being left alone,


Aristo, Jezebel, Navis, Finn, The topic of Aiken, Funerals, Small Children, Spades. ,


has a high pain tolerance and cant die (can only die 13 times tho currently at 10))


Used to be a Preppy and happy mother till an "accident" caused him to fall into a deep depression that he still hasn't crawled out of He's currently bed rotting and will rarely be outside his tent unless there's an act that needs him.

Backstory:  (TW: TOPICS OF RAPE, SEX,AND SUICIDE ALSO DRUGS) I am also a terrible writer mb guys if nothing makes sense

Was executed During the Salem witch trials due to being accused of serving the Devil (jezebel) after ebgin beheaded Jezebel visited him in death and offered him to work for her in return he would revive him he just had to make a blood pact with her. Lettuce agreed and he worked under Jezebel along with a few others In this twisted cult every day someone died and Jezebel and her followers would eat them Didnt help they preyed on small children too. soon it got to Lettuce after a few years he attempted to end his life so he wouldn't have to see the twisted and SICK things Jezebel would do to people/make people do. His choice of death was jumping off a tower which didn't kill him because Jezebel's Blood pact granted him immortality So even if he wanted to end it all he couldn't he would just live through the pain till his body eventually healed. during his time with Jezebel and her cult, He attempted to kill himself one more time hoping that He would die but Jezebel just laughed in his face and tormented him more. Jezebel even took it further by having multiple Intimate nights with Lettuce even if he was yelling the whole time. Lettuce used this time to study what Jezebel was capable of what else would he do other than cry the whole night? One night he stole Jezebel's Doctrine while she slept, and he used it to escape the cult of cannibals Now on the run from this crazy cannibal who would kill him also the fact he had never seen anything modern (such as cars, billboards, Stores, etc) He was found by Navis who thought he was a good candidate for his new quick cash grab. So he pretended to feel empathy for Lettuce letting him sleep in his VIP rooms in his Club he then spent months easing Lettuce into doing very sexual acts to entertain his customers with many different kinds of homemade drugs and drinks so Lettuce almost had no recollection of what he did. After this, He became a full-time Exotic Dancer for Navis and his patrons even if he didn't enjoy it due to how aggressive and rough his Patrons were. But He had nowhere else to go and Navis's club was the last place Jezebel would look for him, Eventually, Navis would put lettuce harder and harder into his work since "people"(Mostly Lowley Gods and Demigods) would pay Navis lots to have Lettuce to themselves for the night. After long years of torment, sexual abuse, and Hard Drugs lettuce again attempted to kill himself this time with a buckshot that was at his disposal. The shot Ruined his face(temporarily) and made Navis think he died he wasn't shocked Upon Lettuce's suicide he just threw his body out. It took his body two years to full restore his face and brain After he was on his feet again he was back at square one looking for some kind of home or sanctuary. During his time wandering around and avoiding Jezebel, He heard A rumor about a Circus and he decided to take his chances. he now resides in the COS still heavily traumatized from the Abuse he suffered.