


6 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

Masterlist Number



Name: Dominik Dune

Nickname: Pon (this is because he heard his name as pon and he still goes by it to this day)

Class/Tier: Defense/Low

Gender: Male

Pronoun: He/Him

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 25

Sector: 9

Job: Toy maker

Height: 6' 8"


+ quiet +kind +kid friendly +good listener

-too honest -talks a bit too loud at times -avoides perfume so might walk away from someone quickly with his nose covered

History: When he was first born it was really hard to hear anything for him. So most of the time his parents had to yell in order to get his attention. His nose was also extremely sensitive to smells. So he finds his moms secret stash of chocolate often. This lead to him getting an earful. So since he got into trouble alot one way or another he started to be apologetic with every little thing. When he got older his hearing was just as they should have been when he was first born. He was able to listen very closely to many things because sound was precious to him at that point in his life. He decided to move out at the age of 18 and decided to go into sector 9.

Likes. +kids +toys +making things +sweets +hugs

Dislikes. - being yelled at -hurting someone -messing up anything -coffee (strong smell) -perfume ( really strong smell) -others who don't shower (he can smell them a mile away)


Dash (little brother)

Malchi (little book loving friend)

Squee (nother little book loving friend)

Leo (friend)

Jeremy (smol friendo)