


2 years, 12 days ago

Basic Info

Artfight Permissions

Blood/gore is fine, angsty/cool vibes is fine


Was a character I used in a rp but he didn't really go anywhere besides from killing two cats and getting almost burnt alive so he's just an oc now. Goldenfang's design is also based off on Lotus_the_mainecoon on ig

Theme song (aka the song I wanna use if I ever make an amv with him): Real to me - The Gentle Men (Yes, I know what the song is actually about)

Lore: Goldenpaw and his brother, Honeypaw, would go to the rc-tc border to hang out with a rc cat named silverpaw. Both the brothers were in love with silverpaw which lead to them fighting a lot. One rainy day the brothers got into a real bad fight while Silverpaw watched. Honeypaw knocked Goldenpaw into a log that was over the river, Silverpaw was on the log and she fell into the river. She knocked her head on a rock and was dragged away by the rushing current. The brothers tried to save her but it was too late, she had drowned. Goldenpaw attacked Honeypaw and killed him because he thinks it was Honeypaw's fault. Goldenpaw gets away with it (I'll figure out how later) but he does get manipulated by Silverpaw (surprise! she was evil the whole time!!1!1!). 

I haven't fully figured out his story but I do want him to have a redemption, aka realise that Silverpaw was manipulating him and that her death was just an accident.