
1 year, 11 months ago



"oh...its you!"

River is reserved lad, usually he's minding his own buissness. He tries to stay calm and composed a good chunk of the time, but his social anxiety tends to get into the way of things.

He often finds himself masking in public to avoid him fidgeting much.


Name River
Age -
Gender Trans male (he/him)
Species Fox
Birthday Jan 24
Height 5"2
Orientation Questioning
Hobbies Charcoal drawing

  • Sneakers
  • Charcoal pencils
  • Mochi

  • fireworks
  • ? ? ?
  • ? ? ?


  • Rivers original design was based off a dragonfruit.
  • He's dream one day is to be able to buy his own pair of vans.
  • When he finds himself in a awkward situation he'll give a thumbs up as a sign that he's listening but also confused.
  • His favorite snack is boba milk tea mochi, though his favorite flavor is mango!

Design Notes

  • He has tuffs or white and red fur on his tail scattered about.
  • His hair can be fully red or white with black accents.
  • His t-shirt can have any design on it from bands, tv shows, or just neat logos he saw at his local thrift shop.


Still figuring out a story for this dude but I can give you a summary or an idea that I have planned for it!

River was raised by his mother growing up, after his father lost custody leaving river blind from one eye. Though his mother would neglect to care for him, and be there emotionally when he was anxious.

Despite this, he would end up meeting ellie at a young age since their parents were buissness partners. During this time he and ellie would have playdates in his room which gave him comfort in his life. In present day, they've lost touch though they do meet again eventually.

Music Box