Bedazzle's Comments

As a total vinyl fan... I sell my soul... Can offer art!! Fullbody, shaded or unshaded, bust, whatever you want! You'll notice all my art examples are cats but I can definantly draw ponies, i just have no recent examples cause I only got back into the fandom a few days ago D:

Also willing to offer any of these (though only TBN is a pony,,) , , ,

wow! your art is so cute do you think you'd be comfortable drawing this chracter or this one?
if ur not comfy drawing them let me know and i'll think it over!! thank you for ur offer >w<

Yeah!! I could totally draw either one, is there one you prefer more? Also fullbody, shaded or unshaded, halfbody, etc?

perhaps the first one if thats okay? and i think an unshaded fullbody would be really nice :0

Thats perfect! Would you like me to send it to their profile once its done or is there another site i should send it to?

yes please that would be perfect! no rush at all btw and ill put down that this design is on hold until ur done!!

4 Replies

Thats perfect! Would you like me to send it to their profile once its done or is there another site i should send it to?

Anyone in my toyhouse? You can also ask about the forever homed :)

thank you so much for the offer however i think ill pass this time ;0; still really appreciated tho!!