


1 year, 11 months ago



Full NameAlisher Bruno Lewis
Genderwhat the fuck ever
BirthdayJanuary 27th
Statusthog dont caare
AlignTrue Neutral




Sherb is, to put it lightly, a total oddball. He hardly speaks unless you talk to him first, he misses a lot of small cues in action and conversation, and most of all, he couldn’t give less of a damn that he’s like this at all. They have little to no regard for their off-beat personality, strange outward appearance or the off chance of being perceived as “weird”. They tend to keep to themself and have a lot of trouble initiating social situations of any kind, thanks to their more aloof, cold and closed-off demeanor. They're also prone to being rude without really meaning to be from time to time, which doesn't make opening up any easier.

With how he his, he's either in the mode of being getting his thoughts out through various creative outlets, or being completely lost in his own thoughts to the point of maladaptively daydreaming as a way to "escape" from things. He seems to live in his own little world, and if you’re nice, maybe he'll be more than happy to let you in, too.



They were born to an all-too easy going father, and a caring yet sickly mother, and due to their mother’s condition and a general reluctance to come out of their shell Sherb spent most of their time with their parents than other kids their age. Most of his attempts to break out socially were futile, with one of the final nails in the coffin being driven in when he fell out of contact with his closest friend at the time. This was the precedent to an incredibly isolated adolescence as they were soon placed under the care of his father’s sister in the wake of his mother’s deteriorating physical health and his father’s deteriorating mental health, eventually moving in with them full-time following the passing of his mother and his father’s subsequent breakdowns rendering him unable to care for Sherb.

While Sherb at the very least had a place to stay and the most basic necessities provided by his aunt, he was otherwise almost completely neglected, leading to him more or less raising himself for better or for worse– leading to a severely stunted social development and the adoption of his closed-off and “weird” demeanor, with many of their rude mannerisms and periods of acting out being a cry for attention that they’ve been starved of. In spite of being generally unpleasant and socially stunted, he was still somehow roped into a small friend group, by his old childhood friend that he’d lost contact with– now transitioned and going by the name of Lana. While she was quick to try and get Sherb out of his shell just like the old days, her boyfriend became weirdly wary of him, though keeping it on the down-low to not cause a stink in the group.

Current Day

Thanks to finally having some real-ass friends to confide in outside of his shitty home, Sherb finally feels like he has some semblance of freedom and control over his life, no thanks to his newfound urge to get into Stupid Shit for the hell of it all. However, one case of shit would be SO stupid that it would end in him and Lana getting in a car crash, and him getting kicked out of his home by his aunt, in the first and final case of her actually paying attention to him. Not wanting this to get in the way of anything, they try to keep their situation on the down-low, but it’s definitely not something they could hide forever– especially when it ends up being the catalyst for a long domino chain leading to turbulence in Lana and Theo’s relationship, and with that fueling the latter’s growing resentment… you’d better watch your back, little man.

Species/Powers Notes

Ice User


"Ice users can take water molecules out of the air to use their powers, or use other bodies of water. Ice users can freeze water or melt ice, or even turn water into water vapor or steam. They can freeze just about anything. Can freeze parts of their body for a quick piece of armor. Normal body temperature is lower than and prefer colder and rainy/snowy weather."

Sherb is an ice user, and as such can manipulate water and ice to shape into anything they desire to be, though his proficiency with his powers is clunky at best at times, thanks to very few opportunities to practice before he left home. As such, he has little control over it and will often lash out without meaning to over very small upticks in emotion. Simultaneously resistant to cold temperatures because of this, but also claims that they don't care (still wearing their jacket often to keep from freezing).



Design Notes

  • Depending on which part of their life they're drawn in (namely when they're younger), some features of theirs will be absent. Namely...
  • Before the car crash, they lack their cheek scar.
  • Before Lana and Theo's breakup, they lack their electrocution scars.
  • Piercings and facial acne are not optional!
  • The best way to describe their build underneath is "uncomfortably thin".




[ Close Friends ]

These two go way back-- with Sherb knowing Lana even before she transitioned, though they undoubtedly grew closer when they met again in high school and Lana introduced him both to several of her friends as well as her boyfriend Theo in hopes of getting them to come out of their shell. The two are always down to do stupid shit together and are quick to confide in each other with damn near everything.



[ Incredibly Uneasy ]

Originally was introduced to him through Lana when the two of them were still dating, Sherb was at first a little intimidated by Theo's more imposing and boisterous personality, though they were one of the first to see his true colors when he started getting closer to Lana whilst they were still dating. Needless to say, some shit went down between the two of them and they aren't too fond of each other, but Sherb is still baffled at how Theo saw him as a "rival" and more or less wants to know why he acted the way he did, moreso than harboring resentment.



[ Relationship ]

They get more links when they get more damn friends LMAO