
Common Name
True Name
The Precursors | Gods of Time
Holy Day(s)
The Longest Night | Time of Remembrance


The Ending Dusk • The Shadow of Night • Mother of Death • The Eveningsister • The Cold Moonlight • Her/Your Gloaming

The contemplative Goddess of Moons and Death, Evesoro. Unlike her twin brother she was not well-loved by the First Mortals and still deal with the fearful to this day. She is known to be close to Saro'ines, Overseer of the Shadowplane, and often visits Ani'maus realm of Beyond to check on the dead. Her visits to Fursakyn's are a lot more rare, but not unheard of. She's quite close to Roma, though theologists aren't completely sure as to why, and has a typical sibling relationship with Morboruo and Staur.

One with the moonlight, Evesoro can be reached from the rise of the moon to it's setting. Due to each World having their own moon(s) and their phases influencing her mood, she's known as a Goddess with rather intense (and frequent) mood swings. Though, only the most callous are unfortunate enough to deal with her wrath...


  • Night owls
  • Rabbits
  • Jewelry
  • Her acolytes

Holy Symbols

  • Beast: Rabbits
  • Color: Gray & Violet/Purple
  • Flower: Delphinium
  • Stone: Moonstone, Star Sapphire
"Please don't be afraid. I am only here to help..."


While the Sun brought practical purpose for both the Gods and the First Mortals, Nning knew it alone could be hazardous to them. Objects that circled the World's, Moons, helped protect them and establish a cycle of Day and Night. However, under this night, it did not take long for the First Mortals to find out they were, in fact, mortal. They became prone to disastrous mistakes, and predators (monsters) found it to be the perfect cover. Evesoro, despite being shy and elusive, still taught the First Mortals to take shelter. But she was feared by the early mortals, and still a bit of a controversial Deity to this day. Depending on the area, she may be respected, feared yet respected, or just feared. Those who gave her a chance found a thoughtful, respectful Deity. While she was and still is not the most popular of the Gods, she earned a modest following and the worshipers she does get have nothing but praise for her. She is known to be very responsive during times of mourning, even if someone is in the anger stage of grief, and favors speaking under the moonlight. Worshipers note the phase of the moon seems to influence her mood, more quiet, almost whispering, and melancholy when the phase is "new" and louder, almost energetic when it's "full." She attracts those more serious, contemplative, secretive or, frankly, depressed. Despite fears of death and dying, many find comfort in the calm serenity of her voice.

Much like her twin represented sun and light, Evesoro was seen as a representative of the moon and night. The first assassins worked under the cover of night, and Evesoro was already the God of Death. Mortals choose Evesoro as a way to recognize her. Many still fear death or dying but Evesoro was not malicious. To show that even the mortals most scared of her does not hate her, they appointed her as the representative of mischievous (but not evil) Moon Magic. Reportedly, the night after this gift was presented to her the moon shined the brightest it ever has and the ocean was clear as glass.


• Shelter

• Death

• The Moon(s)

• Funerals/Memorials/Rememberance

• Night/Evenings/Dusk

• Mooncycles/Months

• Endings


• Shelter

• Rest

• The Moon(s)

• Mortal's Deaths

• Grief


Tarot: The Moon (subject to change)

Horoscope/Constell Guardian: Gemini Pollux, The Twinmind

• While the exact number is unknown, Evesoro is believed to have at least twenty-two (22) Holy Spirites. A majority resemble rabbits

• Evesoro's astronomical inspiration is Earth's Moon

• Before Strae came into the picture, she helped Maeden when it came to the tides and is often associated with water as much as shadows

• There are more legends about Evesoro and Staur then there are about Evesoro and Morboruo, including: Cats Nine Lives, and Foxes Nine Tales




Evesoro's "twin brother." As the younger twin, she has some resentment over her brother being more loved and his general exhuberance, but they do still loved and trust eachother deeply.



Evesoro's other "sibling." In the First Era, a number of tales circulated around the duo. It is said the both of them are responsible for select Cat and Fox Beastiah earning Ninelives / Ninetails, respectively.



A dear friend of Evesoro and the closest God to Mortals outside Arua. She works closely with Roma to make sure Mortal's have the tools to survive, but ultimately makes it their duty to achieve it.



Roma's "twin sister" and thus an associate of Evesoro. While they have little to do officially, they do enjoy eachothers company. Amorey is known to share stories of her and Evesoro's twin/sibling woes during relevant prayers to her followers.

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