
Common Name
True Name
The Precursors
Nullterran Labyrinth (Imprisoned)
Holy Day(s)
The Elemental Festival | Peace Day


The Allmother • The Imprisoned God • The Primary of Everything • Ruler of the Prism • The Progenitor Deity • Lady of Magic • The True Creator • Her Prime Holiness

Legend has it the universe was created by a lonely God weeping tears of light. That God was Arua. She is accredited for the Galaxy of Vaust coming into being and seen as the Supreme God of the Heavenly Bodies pantheon. Her closest companions seemed to be Nning and Nebula, and had a huge softspot for Roma, Zodyal, and Perceval. Theologist are still trying to figure out her relationship with Maleous, who despite his rule, she never saw as an enemy– even now as she is imprisoned in his realm. The Gods that know Maleous claim her "imprisoned" status may be exaggerated, though they aren't always seen as trustworthy so theologists split as to what that means or if it is even true.

Arua is perhaps the most powerful being in the universe, but being the embodiment of Peace she does not often display that power. It can instead be seen through her numerous Ornaments, or Holy Artifacts. These include the Tear of Light, Dragonsoul Amulet, Grimoire of the Gods, Holy Hammer, The Geiyah Geodes, and Prism Heartstone.


  • Company
  • Color
  • Mortal's magical developments
  • Dragons & Spirites

Holy Symbols

  • Beast: Dragons
  • Color: Rainbow
  • Flower: Carnation
  • Stone: Diamond
"I am truly the most blessed in the universe."


Arua may have been a lonely God originally, but that is no longer the case. This heavenly hierarchy, though hardly recognized even by the Gods themselves, was the ultimate reason for the coup that left her imprisoned, however. Despite her status as the Imprisoned God, in the Realm of Fear, Nightmares, and Monsters-- Arua was known as a kind Deity. If, sometimes naive or doting (depending on the prayer) to her mortals. She was quite responsive before the coup, but worshipers noted she hardly gave answers. She had the utmost faith her mortals could figure things out for themselves, and instead focused on providing comfort and peace. She gave mortals the gift of magic and many see the very act of using that gift as a way to worship her. While at the ‘top’ of the Godly hierarchy, Arua always treated her fellow Gods as equals. Precursor and Overseer alike.

It is the dream of most of Vaust's residents for her to be freed and reinstated as the Supreme God. Many more just wish to hear her divine voice again. Legends say she awaits for her Champion to set her free, all they must do is prove themselves in the depths of Nullterran Labyrinth…

Despite her status as the God who Gifted Magic, Arua does not Govern any of the Magic Classes. Originally, she was the Governess of the Elemental Class, but she passed that responsibility on to Nebula Frozenstar. She is still seen as honorarily tied to it, but Practitioners only get a response from Nebula-- especially since she's been imprisoned. She instead proudly rules the source of magic, Geiyah.


• Creation

• Holiness

• Virtues

• Peace & Harmony

• Magic

• Rainbows

• Positives

• Ateon, Realm of the Gods (Previously / Rightfully)


• The Unvierse

• Creation

• Light

• Peace

• Virtues

• Color

• Magic


Tarot:The Hierophant (subject to change)

Horoscope/Constell Guardian: Ophiuchus Rasalhague the Snaketamer (Official), Draco Eltanin the Grand Dragon (True)

• Arua's Holy Spirit's are known as The Brightest. While their pacts aren't currently active thanks to her imprisonment, they try to take care of her work in her stead. Some of her most notable include Starlight, Finette, and Isolem.

• Arua's astronomical inspiration is the Solar System itself.

• There's a rumor that despite being the Creator, she is not omniscient.

• Despite everything that has happened, she does not hate Maleous and Origen, and does not blame Nning for what happened to her.




Her first companion in the pantheon and her closest confidant. She knew she could rely on Nning for anything and everything. She wishes things were different but trusts thing's will work out in time. Which is Nning's domain, after all.



Perhaps it is just not in her nature to hate, but it is said she always approached Maleous with repsect and a smile. No matter what mortals did in the name of him and/or his domains.


Nebula Frozenstar

The Legend of Nebula and Arua's relationship have been surprisingly lost, but the fact remains they're close. It is commonly believe Nebula was once a Holy Spirite of hers that she promoted to Overseer, but whether of not that's true...



The reason for her imprisonment and the current state of Vaust. Despite everything, she does not hate him and believes he'll find his true destiny in due time.

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