
1 year, 11 months ago


Name: Saralee Mekwood
Age: unknown
Date of birth: June 20th
Gender: Female
Species: tok'sin

Status: Dating ?? (dees baby boy)

Sara has dark furious side to her, it only come out fully when its her brother being meek and to himself alot of the time, she was always fuming looking at him.

The first time the furious side how out was when they were young, she told sora "go chop some wood for the fire before it goes out !" but sora got lost in day dreaming again, sara came home to the fire out and the house cold as ice, she took the family axe that sora was told to get and chop wood with and headed out to find the brainless brother, she saw him looking at birds and sitting in snowy floor, seeing him playing without a care made her even more mad she went over to him and then,loud breaking bone noise came from the axe she chopped his leg off without a care, he started to cry and yell as to why she did that and all they came from her mouth was " I told you to get some wood now the fire is out, go chop yourself a new leg as you get wood now" she was never sad at what she did, she was in the wrong but he knew better then to let the fire go out in winter it could mean death for them both.

The second time the furious sara came out, she got up early in the morning when the sun was still down getting ready to go pick new herbs, she told her brother to go hunt because they were low on meat, heading to the frozen lake to get the best herbs, sara kneed down starting to pick them from the snow, she heard something be hide her it was sora before she could yell at hime he shot the arrow at her abdomen, he didnt mean to he was thinking she was a beast because the fur she was wearing but it was to late, furious at what he did she took her sword out and cut his arm off,

She was in the wrong for how she acted and feels a deep guilt for doing that to him, later on when her and sora got older and he left out on his own, she would cut her own face to never forget what she did to him.


Dronairs  are Open Species by D33force