Aria Misae



1 year, 9 months ago


Name: Aria Misae
Name meaning: Noble, Lioness, Song

Age: 15-16
Species: Human
Height: 5’1 ft (155 cm)

Birthday: July 13
Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Personality: Aria is quiet and hardworking, and often spends her time alone. She’s shy, and tries her best not to burden others, and only holds few friends dear to her heart. She’s naive and sometimes gullible, however tries her best, and has the warmest heart.

Likes: being alone, exploring new places, animals
Dislikes: Large crowds, uncertainty, dragons

Extra Facts:
- Aria is from the desert lands, and lives within the walls of cliffs and valleys
- She doesn’t have many friends, and views most of the desert animals as her friends
- She has a two-tailed desert cat named Savannah
- She lives with her mother and younger sister. Her father died when she was a child, and her older brother has been missing for three years.
- Her best friend is a boy named Tatsuya
- she enjoys exploring, especially caves, and collecting things she finds
- Her favorite color is Yellow