Hampter The Hamster (Sonic)



1 year, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Hampter, Hamp, Small thing








Mechanic (little), digging, spin dash, venting

Funni Fact#1

The last to be alive of his tribes. Most of them died bc of staying in point while hamp always go to the outside world and survive things normally

Funni Fact#2

Still lives in a dirt hole

Funni Fact#3

A smartie, he loves technician things! Doesn't show 'em often bc he doesn't have the materials... poor guy

Funni Fact#4

He is 'immortal'. His friends would totally spit their tea by knowing this, hehe...


"Being small is no excuse to be seen weak."



A small sized purple brown with orange markings hamster. He has 2 big teeth that still appears even when mouth is closed. Wears googles which is used during activities/missions. Also wears bandana and shoes with combination red and orange. Dont forget the small gloves too!

He is a curious, brave, innocent (little), adorable, energetic, funni and (might be) annoying lil thing! Would break+go here and there whenever he wants to! He loves to discover new things too! Hamp is also sometimes that one who thinks is capable of doing something, maybe seems irriating... but he is actually a sweet hearted and friendly guy when getting to know him more!


A little 'backstory summary' (Knucks' related)

The 'Hamsters Tribe' are a genius and dicipline groups that lives underground of the echidnas tribe's ground. They sealed their interractions with the outside for safety, but Hamp doesn't! Once their base was destroyed bc of Echidna's willing to rule over the world (Hamp is the last to be alive bc he was out when the event happened). He then had anger over them for his tribe's death and tried to move on by searching a new home (which then leads to meeting Sonic n team!)

As times passed, Hamp met Knuckles the Echidna which brought him to rage again. Hamp blamed him and showed it by being annoying around Knuckles, Knucks doesn't understand any nonsense but yet does the same to him. After some times, the two finally understand eachother after hearing one to another story and now became great buddies!