Loretta Nautica Alagona



1 year, 10 months ago


Loretta Nautica Algona
Female, she/her
Marine biologist
Asexual demiromantic lesbian

Unaligned, but has nothing but hatred for the Llawes Corporation
Rarity: Common

Insert: One. round, in her left eye.
Cor: Mother-of-pearl
Weapon: Trident

Mutation: Invert insert (emotions are reversed if her heart/weapon is out)

Cold, callous, does anything to get what she wants
When her heart or weapon are out, she‘s bright and bubbly. She’ll still impale you but her demenor will not match the action.

Heart turns into weapon. Must have chain attatched.

She hates Dusk. It’s his fault her brother is gone. It’s his fault she’s an unbleeder. She has, unfortunetly, encountered him a few times since she died. Every time has ended with her yelling obsenities, sometimes chasing him down with her trident in hand- which is a weird experience because of her inverted emotions when that happens.
In one enounter with Dusk, he fought back. Loretta lost her fingers in that fight.

She died in a diving ”accident”, its what those scars on her legs are from (she died from drowning). Dusk pulled her out and took her to Llawes to save her.

She spent some time after becoming an unbleeder searching the sea and shore for any signs of her brother but has since given up on that.

Design notes:
- Scars and tattoos are NOT optional! If yoy dont want to draw them, there are outfits where they're covered
- Can have heart in hand, it turns into the trident! If either of these are being drawn, there is a chain attatched to it that connects to her chest. The chain is endless so you can be real dynamic with it
- Pupils dilate a lot when her heart/trident is out, making her eyes seem black.
- Due to a mutation she has an inverted perosnailty when heart/trident is out! So she’d be cheerful and bright rather then cold and callous.