The Watcher



2 years, 2 months ago


The Watcher is a mysterious beast that lurks, sight unseen, out of the corners of people's eyes, vanishing if they seem to begin to start to spot it. It likes to see, to watch events and happenings even while it does not participate in them. People get the feeling that they are being watched on the woodland trails, but when they turn around, they are unable to see or hear anything. It is there, though. It is waiting, it is always watching.

Appearance: Beast-like entity.

Habitat: Most frequently woodlands, although it sometimes ventures to the edge of the wooded area if it is following someone that catches its eye.

Habits: It watches people without interacting most of the time, but sometimes it picks a 'favorite'. That 'favorite' is the 'lucky' one chosen by the Watcher to be observed and followed. It studies their habits, likes, and dislikes, gathering the data for later usage. During this time, it watches no one else, although the feeling of presence is reported to be oppressive upon the 'favorite'. Sometimes it stops watching them altogether, only to pick up where it left off weeks later. It is unknown at this time what the criteria, if any, is for selection, approval, or rejection is.